Detail Fest THANK YOU!

Nick McKees37

McKee's 37 Product Support
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
In addition to being the most festive Detail Fest EVER, our 11th Annual was also the wettest thanks to on-and-off rainfall all weekend. To our surprise and amazement, the rain didn’t hinder the attendance of the show one bit! We had car guys and car gals from all over the country attend Detail Fest to partake in the festivities that included the car show, live demos and classes, celebrity autograph signings, live music, behind-the-scenes look at the filming of the season finale of Competition Ready, the Custom Car Builders Challenge which featured 6 of the top builders from all over the country…the list goes on! We were able to raise a TON of money for the supporting charities, not just from those that attended the show and paid the $10 entry fee, but from customers all over the world that sent in separate donations as well. :applause:

Detail Fest wouldn’t be possible without our amazing staff and the support of our volunteers. Each and every staff member played an integral role in making the show the success that it was. Being an employee of Autogeek is not a job, but rather a commitment instead, and this weekend is proof that we have the hardest working staff in the industry.

As for our vendors, each one showed amazing dedication and commitment. The passion in the detailing industry is contagious, and we’re so proud to be a part of it.

Last but not least, a huge THANK YOU goes out to our sponsors. Flex, UPS and Meguiar’s were the title sponsors this year, and their continued support helps make Detail Fest what it is.

If you haven’t made it to Detail Fest yet, you don’t know what you’re missing! :righton:

Official 2016 Detailfest Friday Picture Thread!

Official Saturday 2016 Detailfest Picture Thread!

Official Sunday Detailfest 2016 Thread
Thank you AG for another successful Detail Fest!

Despite the rain, the AG staff carried on with business as usual and a great attitude.

It was an honor to be able to help out in a couple of the AG booths again this year and be a part of the filming of one of the episodes for Competition Ready.

Detail Fest is always a great time, you get to meet with old friends and meet new people and fellow detailers from around the world who share the same passion.

I also enjoyed taking the tour of the AG facilities/warehouse. Nick does a great job in leading the tour by giving some of AG's history and adding some humor along the way. I took the tour last year and more was added this year. The facilities just keep expanding and becoming more modernized to provide their customers with excellent service.

I know that there's a lot of planning that goes on behind the scenes to make this event possible. If you haven't attended Detail Fest, I would highly recommend it.
Thanks to AG for another great Detail Fest!
Nick, the staff did a great job all weekend and handled the rain without batting an eye. And thank you for the great warehouse tour. The new headsets are a cool touch!
It was great to see the vendors that I have met over the last 7 years, and talk "to the horses's mouth" for information on using their products. All are very approachable, and want to answer your questions and have you try their products. It was unfortunate the rain cut down on the number of people attending, but it allowed for long, uninterrupted conversations with the vendors!
I'd also like to thank everyone at PBMG. It was an awesome time! Even with the rain, it was a blast.

Nicely done !!!
I concur..the rain might have dampened things a little, but the event was awesome. I had such a fun weekend. I cant wait to see the airing of the competition ready episode shot at Detail Fest.

Every year I wonder how will AG outdo itself when it comes to detail fest, and again, they did it!
This was my first detail fest 11th, i had a amazzing time, the autogeek crew is something special , was very blessed to be a part of detail fest and I wish i was there for the first 10, thank you autogeek for a great detail fest, im mostly certainly be back for detail fest 12th
THANK YOU, Autogeek for an amazing Detail Fest! Had a blast and met a lot of new people, plus I learned a lot!
Well said Nick and thank you to all who helped out arranging and putting it all together. The tent sale was by far the busiest. Lol
Well said Nick and thank you to all who helped out arranging and putting it all together. The tent sale was by far the busiest. Lol

Yeah, I heard there were some steals in that tent, and you were called in for security backup!