View Full Version : CarPro Essence or Eraser?

04-15-2016, 01:19 AM
I can't decide which direction to go towards eraser or essence? I normally just use some normal CarPro Eraser, before applying CQuartz. Recently have thought of trying Essence, since its a good primer for the coating. The only problem is price for essence is quite high, I understand that its results are outstanding, but the price doesn't seem good for me due to large amount of cars I work on daily. What do you guys prefer, or what method/product do you guys use to prime the paint for coating?

04-15-2016, 05:54 AM
Your paying for simplicity.If you are doing so many coating jobs what's a couple of bucks to make your life easier.your saving maybe a hr to erase and letting it gas out before cq.Get the small bottle and see how it goes for you.

04-15-2016, 05:59 AM
Those are two completely different products. Essence will enhance your paint if there are any defects present. You can always charge a few bucks more to cover the cost of the product. On a coating job that should be a very small percentage of the total job cost. With one large bottle you can do about 5 cars (or so I was told). If you charge say 15$ more for your coating job it should cover the cost of the product.

04-15-2016, 07:11 AM
Before essence I use eraser, put that in the mix lol!

04-15-2016, 07:35 AM
Essence goes a long ways. That small bottle will do at least 5-6 cars. It is a time saver and super easy to use

04-15-2016, 07:38 AM
-I can't justify buying a:
scented IPA/DI Water solution, that
has a little bit of surfactant in it, at
its established price-point.

-At least with Essence, you have a product
that contains abrasives (aluminum oxides):
that can equate to not having to purchase
a separate polishing product.

-I count that as an upfront cost savings.

•That factor, along with the time saved
(that's often associated with using AIOs),
-makes its established price-point more
than acceptable in my book.


04-15-2016, 09:15 AM
I don't mind spending more on Essence, but most cars that come in are already polished. The main thing is getting the car prepped for the coating. Normally I use different polishes depending on the cars paint condition. I feel like Eraser would be an good option to just get the car prepped for the coating, if its already been corrected using another AIO's. I'm still stuck at deciding on which to go for, I might just bite the bullet to purchase Essence and Eraser to test how the coating is affected.

04-15-2016, 09:23 AM
I agree with you there. I make my own IPA using distilled water, 70% isopropyl alcool and a small amount of Optimum ONR. I don't know if it's better, equal to or worse than Eraser, but it certain cost a tiny fraction of the price they charge for Eraser.

04-15-2016, 10:02 AM
, if its already been corrected using another AIO's. I'm still stuck at deciding on which to go for, I might just bite the bullet to purchase Essence and Eraser to test how the coating is affected.

If the vehicle was just polished with an AIO...I am leery that Eraser might not remove everything and the coating may be compromised.

Why is an AIO being used on a vehicle that is going to receive a coating.

This really seems like "working backwards" to me.


04-15-2016, 10:08 AM
If Eraser is almost same as a home IPA, then might just go with that. It does have the "anti-static effect", but no difference from then on. I used HD Speed before hand, which also contains a sealant in it. Will Eraser not be able to strip the sealent? Which other option do I have to get rid of the sealent that was laid down with HD Speed? Leaning more towards essence now.....

05-13-2016, 06:02 PM
If Eraser is almost same as a home IPA, then might just go with that. It does have the "anti-static effect", but no difference from then on. I used HD Speed before hand, which also contains a sealant in it. Will Eraser not be able to strip the sealent? Which other option do I have to get rid of the sealent that was laid down with HD Speed? Leaning more towards essence now.....
I confidently doubt that eraser will completely remove a recent application of an AIO.