Getting customers


New member
Mar 28, 2016
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Ok so my problem is I get customers off Facebook they make an appointment but then when it comes time they don't come through this has happened a lot
They just keep rescheduling there appointments and end up never getting the detail done
Sounds a little bit like medical imaging. I've seen people reschedule their 15 min exam enough times that it takes a half day to get it done. Sure plays hell with the productivity numbers. Some industries can charge a reschedule fee if the appointment is not kept within a certain period of time. That can be a bit difficult to collect unless you find a way to charge people upfront for their appointment. Hmmm. There's a thought. 10% off for people that pay at the time of booking.
While not a lot of detail provided thus far (understandable mind you), once you get an appt. then you have to deliver the services really fast - give the client hardly any time to reconsider. BTW, I have had this happen to me with a friend mind you. A week or so after the cancellation she posts on FB pictures of her going to a baseball game. It happens.

Don't come across desperate but rather with a passion for quick service delivery. Also, consider that the advertising you are getting from FB may ultimately not be the clientelle you really want so keep plugging away and always seek some form of continuous improvement on your advertising.
Where would you suggest I move my advertising more towards?
They just keep rescheduling there appointments and end up never getting the detail done
are you mobile.Detailing is a impulse buy,I selectively choose my age gender clientele.I always had a promblem with younger people from 30 to 40. Never a promblem with older folks,I think there more responsible with there money and respect your time as well.This may not be everyone's scenario on cancellations.Getting them to drop off there car for a day will lead to this promblem.expecting people to pay up front more than likely won't answering your question your just gonna have to find a different alternative other than Facebook.It takes time to build a loyal clientele.
Either your prospects are uncomfortable with your business and are canceling because of that (your fault), or you are seeking out the wrong potential clients (also your fault). Time to go back to the drawing board in terms of marketing and branding.
Allow one reschedule and after that leave it alone. That's not the type of customer you are after!

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First thing you need to stop doing is catering to everyone. You will lose.

Secondly, figure out the demographic that you want to cater to, and do it. Tweak your advertising, facebook ads, etc., to that demographic, and move forward.

The biggest issue I see is that younger people want the best job for the cheapest amount spent. As we know, that's not how we operate. Our time is what brings in the money. You can't get more time. Use it wisely.