Pinnacle Advanced Swirl Remover & Advanced Finishing Polish


New member
Oct 19, 2012
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My parents have a black 10' lexus that is in need of correction (swirls, light scratches etc).

I have a dewalt 849 and a PC 7424. I'm thinking of using Pinnacle products (cause I already have these) and my question is if I should use the 'Swirl Remover' with the dewalt and an orange pad or just stick to my PC and an orange pad?
I plan to finish with the 'Finishing Polish' using the PC.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
The Pin Advance Swirl Remover finished down pretty nice with a 21mm machine, plus had good correction.
And what if we don't have a 21mm throw DA?! How 'bout us less fortunate who only have a 7424xp?
A test spot will be your best bet. Divide the hood in 3 sections. On one side, use the Swirl remover with orange pad on the Dewalt (I would probably stay at 1500rpm or less) then finish with PC. All the way to right, use the PC for both steps. Leave the middle to compare original condition.