Queston for those using the Tornador


New member
Apr 9, 2016
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Just waiting for my Tornador black in the mail. What size airline are you guys using to run it? I just bought a 1/4 inch PVC line for it because I thought it would be lighter to use inside the car. I already have a 5/8 rubber hose that I use for running air tools ect. I assume the 1/4 inch will carry enough cfm to run the Tornador? Also does any one use hot water in the Tornador tank?
Just waiting for my Tornador black in the mail. What size airline are you guys using to run it? I just bought a 1/4 inch PVC line for it because I thought it would be lighter to use inside the car. I already have a 5/8 rubber hose that I use for running air tools ect. I assume the 1/4 inch will carry enough cfm to run the Tornador? Also does any one use hot water in the Tornador tank?

I'm in the same position as you right now. I have a Tornador Black on order and it should be delivered on Tuesday. I just picked up a new compressor that puts out 5.3 cfm at 90 psi - I think you want at least 5 cfm at 90 psi. I also bought a new Goodyear 3/8" rubber air hose to replace the pvc hose I was using. I hate fighting with the pvc hoses. I think you can use hot water in the Tornador tanks. I don't know what impact the 1/4" vs. 3/8" or bigger hose has on the cfm delivery though.
Been starting to play with the Tornador now that I've up'd my compressor game.

Was wondering the same thing. Not an engineer by any means so I may be way off, but decided to look into it and found this link showing air discharge through different sized hoses: Air Discharge through Hoses

If I'm reading it right, shows a 1/4" hose can easily produce the amount of air required as per Tornador specs. (Up to approx. 17cfm @ 90psi . . . if that's a thing)