How can I make a car smell like new?


New member
Jul 22, 2014
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My car has 20k miles, and is starting to smell a bit old.
Is there any carpet shampoo or other procedures I can do to make this thing smell nice and new again?
If someone could help me it would be great.
Often a very thorough interior cleaning and vacuum will help remove the funk from dirt, dust, French fries and stuff under seats, etc.

Shampoo with some odor destroyer in the tank as a second step.

Great Reflections Detailing
Vancouver WA

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
Trade it in for a new one. :D

The new car smell comes from the out gassing of some of the interior materials.
If your car has leather, using a leather conditioner with leather scent might help bring that back a little. Poorboys has a nice leather scent air freshener as well.

I personally try to resist using air fresheners in my car and just try to keep it clean.
Don't forget to replace your cabin filter if you haven't already. Ideally, you should replace it once a year. A dirty cabin filter can contribute significantly to the poor air/smell quality of your vehicle. I'd start there, followed by a thorough interior cleaning. Depending on what you mean by your car smelling 'old', you might try an odor eliminator, and then your choice of air freshener. Some come in 'New car smell' and 'New leather' if your car has leather and you're looking for that fresh leather smell.
The new car smell comes from the out gassing
of some of the interior materials.
^^^ :iagree: ^^^

Trade it in for a new one. :D
An alternative would be to go to a
Bed, Bath, and Beyond; buy a
plastic shower curtain; take it out
of its packaging and lay it in the
rear footwells of the vehicle.

That should supply enough Phthalates
to satisfy the "new car smell" longing
for an extended period of time...:xyxthumbs:

And (speaking of old) as an added bonus:
It disguises "The Old Man Smell", as well.

Where do you find the cabin filter - I have a 2014 GT/CS Convertible. It had 21,000 when I bought it. Didn't know there was such a thing??
Where do you find the cabin filter - I have a 2014 GT/CS Convertible. It had 21,000 when I bought it. Didn't know there was such a thing??

^^^ :iagree: ^^^

An alternative would be to go to a
Bed, Bath, and Beyond; buy a
plastic shower curtain; take it out
of its packaging and lay it in the
rear footwells of the vehicle.

That should supply enough Phthalates
to satisfy the "new car smell" longing
for an extended period of time...:xyxthumbs:

And (speaking of old) as an added bonus:
It disguises "The Old Man Smell", as well.


Bob, have you scientifically proven this method to disguise old man smell??
Bob, have you scientifically proven this method to disguise old man smell??
Thanks for asking!

Yes, in fact it has; due, in part, to:
"The Leaching Phenomenon"

As such:
Sit back; relax; have a cold one.

Part I.

Plastics contain high percentages of
phthalates. Phthalates are, by design,
not covalently bound/bonded to the
polymer/(plastic) matrix...which makes
them highly susceptible to leaching (or
percolating) out into their environment.

Part II.

"The Old Man Smell"
(actually applicable to Women as well)
is caused by the chemical 2-nonenal...
{Yes it's the same chemical that makes
"old beer" taste like cardboard}...
that "old people" secrete/(leach/percolate)
through their skin to their immediate

Part III.

Researchers at the "Center for Health,
Environment & Justice" (through studies
commissioned under the auspices of the EPA)
discovered that plastic shower curtains,
besides containing high concentrations of
phthalates, also contained up to 108 volatile
organic compounds...including toluene,
ethylbenzene, phenol, methyl isobutyl ketone,
xylene, acetophenone and cumene---which
have all been identified as hazardous air pollutants.

When asked to compare 2-nonenal's level of
air polluting ability (and sustainability) to that
of shower curtains'...the Researchers (referenced
above) exclaimed in unison:

"2-nonenal doesn't stand a chance
against Phthalates' malodorousness:
Phthalates would have 'em for lunch"!!

The gassing out of smelling glues and plastics and such,should last along time especially on ford cars.Even if you smoke you should be able to smell that new car smell.Down here in fla with the heat accelerates the smell.
Go to a model or toy store, buy some "airplane glue" and keep a bottle open under the seat. :D close Windows and enjoy your HIGH! ;)
Trade it in for a new one. :D

The new car smell comes from the out gassing of some of the interior materials.

Do you notice some makes or models hold their "new car smell" longer? I'm driving a 10-12 year old Toyota/Lexus and neither are by any means in showroom condition. 88k and 132k miles respectively. I always felt like foreign cars seem to keep their new car scent longer. Could it be the types of plastics used and their different rates of off gassing/releasing of VOC's. I still can identify certain makes of cars by their smells. Chryslers always smelled different to me as compared to GM. Honda, Nissan, and Toyota all have unique smells.

Stop eating them.

Or. Shampoo and extract the carpet and upholstery. Clean the AC ducts. Spray the interior with your favorite "smell spritz" after the through cleaning. I STILL like Stripper Scent.

However, If you transport wet dogs in your car all bets are off.