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Aug 6, 2014
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Which pad do you recommend for applying Gloss Enhancing Polish?

Details: this will be after applying M205 with an orange/white Lake Country pad, depending on which it needs, and before applying Blackfire Wet Diamond All Finish Paint Protection, either by hand or with a red pad. I am leaning towards a gray pad, but should I go white? What is everyone else using?

If you're using m205 prior, theres really no need for GEP. GEP is a filler and paint cleaner, you're already correcting with m205. So i wouldn't use GEP, I would just do 205, wipe down, apply BFWD.

But if you do, I use GEP with a black or white pad(lake country flats)
The product looks to be a lot like Prima Amigo. I use a white pad when applying Amigo with great results. My though is the slightly more aggressive pad enhances the cleaning properties.