Foam vs MF Applicators for Glazes and Waxes/Sealants


New member
Apr 5, 2016
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I am looking to buy some applicators to apply things like glazes, sealants, and waxes. I wanted to know whether or not I should use foam applicators for these things or microfiber applicators, and how should I take care of cleaning them so I can get more than one use out of them.
I like to manually apply Glazes/Waxes/Sealants
using the below foam applicators:


24 Pack Pinnacle Foam Wax Applicator

After using them...
I'll drop 'em into Sandwich Baggies,
that I'll label with which products
they were used. (Yes...eventually
they will have to be thrown away.)

Do you prefer microfiber or foam when applying?

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Ditto here. I've found I'm far more effective by machine.

If I was to apply a wax or sealant by hand, I'd probably foam ones like Bob recommended.

I have a bag of these : Meguiars Foam Applicator Pads 4 Pack

The one shown there is a four-pack. The bag I have contain about a dozen. I thought I bought it hear, but now I'm beginning to wonder.

The best ones are the black BlackFire ones. You can soak them in mineral spirits - it will remove any wax or sealant after soaking a few days.

I dunno how you all "save" applicators without cleaning. Seems kinda gross. Kinda like I'm going to take out this piece of gum I'm chewing - eat my lunch - then put it back in.
Here is the problem with microfiber when applying waxes or sealants. Microfibers are known for their ability to absorb. When using them to apply waxes or sealants, its entirely possible that some of the solvents or products in whatever you are applying gets absorbed into the microfibers and not transferred to the paint. Could make a sealant less effective or a wax harder to remove for instance. Foam on the other hand does not absorb in the same manner, so all of the product gets transferred to the paint.

Highly recommended to use foam when applying waxes or sealants for this reason.

BTW, gotta give credit to PJ at DodoJuice for teaching me this.
I like to manually apply Glazes/Waxes/Sealants
using the below foam applicators:


24 Pack Pinnacle Foam Wax Applicator

After using them...I'll drop 'em into Sandwich Baggies,that I'll label with which products they were used. (Yes...eventually they will have to be thrown away.)

^^ exactly what I do. these are very cost effective and work great. Not too thick as to absorb too much and are gentle as can be on all kinds of paints. I buy them in bulk like that as I they also work great with spray products like Optimum Opti-seal or Blackfire Crystal Seal.

I use Microfiber ones for my interior leather care products and like.