Pollen Damage?


New member
Jan 16, 2016
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Had a longtime client of mine finally pick up a polisher and try to do his own car, he was pretty adamant about it too. I donated my old DA, some pads, showed him a dozen techniques(came with me on some of my jobs) and product and sent him on his way. He rocks a solid black Camaro, paints pretty darn hard on it but easy to scratch. Calls me later that day and says the car has very faint, hairline swirls only visible under certain lights and angles. None of the pads or products I gave him could have done that -- I think the pads or car were contaminated with pollen/debris. He mentioned as he was polishing tiny objects were landing on the paint that felt coarse while he rubbed them, at first I'm like oh you're just dusting a bit, but now that I think about it... It's pollen season. So I believe pollen or another similar debris got trapped in his polishing pad, on the paint and even the microfiber towel. My question is to you fine gents is how bad could the damage be? I have the luxury of working mostly indoors so my experience with pollen is pretty nil. I feel that I'm going to have to rectify this, he's a longtime client with huge referrals and I feel a bit bad because while I could have told him no instead I enabled him to try. I won't see him till next week but I hope a couple passes with either the Flex or the LHR21 using an orange pad will do the trick. What do you guys think? I know pollen is bad but can't be RDS bad.[h=1][/h]
I've not personally seen HEAVY pollen damage, but I have seen swirling and micro-marring from pollen. Usually if the pollen is coming down so hard that you can almost see the layer build up on the car, it's a sign to move indoors or put off the polishing for another day.
Thanks for the reply, I went there today and can confirm that it was damage from pollen, actually some of them were white, slightly abrasive until you squish them. Using a small LED flash light, I found many near invisible scratches, the scratches were perfect circles, some half moons, etc. Leads me to believe that debris got trapped in a pad, yikes. Hope the damage is correctable. I tried to take photos but they're so hairline I couldn't get any to show up.