How would you deal with a car completely covered with Xpel?


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Jun 23, 2014
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Hello all. I am getting a new car this summer and am planning on having the car completely covered with Xpel. Is there any point in putting a coating over it or is it just something that will detract from the self-healing properties of the film? How would you maintain such a car? Thanks!
How would you maintain such a car?

In order to ensure that I remain in
compliance with XPel's Ultimate
PPF warranty...
I just go ahead and use XPel's Flawless
Finish PPF Cleaner and Sealant on my
Ultimate PPF.

That way there's no muss/no fuss.

The coating should not affect the Xpels ability to self heal. You can wash it as normal.

Looks like Bob and Hump answered your question... so not to deviate, but may I ask what car you're getting that would get fully wrapped in xpel? Inquiring minds want to know. :)
Applying a coating over top will only help keep the film looking better and last longer
Thanks for the info guys. Paul, the car is a Ferrari 488 spider and I believe it is common practice for the dealership to now completely wrap all new cars.
just to comment,I detailed a new gtr 4 porche the car was a gun metal color and was wrapped in xpel from the entire front and stopped at the doors.It looked horrible nice install but makes the color have a weird look when up close almost like a textured dull friend who deos extreme high end detailing was removing that off a Ferrari,10 hrs just on the front alone.nice product and deos what it's intended to do,but deosnt last forever and have to becareful with maintence.everyone has there preference and opinions,but I wouldn't put that on my car.also did a mucan porche suv horrible install the guy actually cut the paint with a razor.Ive never seen a defect free film install that looks good.and if you scratch it you have to look at all the time or replace.with all the dirt nibs bubbles and not sticking,just give me some touch up paint.
just to comment,I detailed a new gtr 4 porche the car was a gun metal color and was wrapped in xpel from the entire front and stopped at the doors.It looked horrible nice install but makes the color have a weird look when up close almost like a textured dull friend who deos extreme high end detailing was removing that off a Ferrari,10 hrs just on the front alone.nice product and deos what it's intended to do,but deosnt last forever and have to becareful with maintence.everyone has there preference and opinions,but I wouldn't put that on my car.also did a mucan porche suv horrible install the guy actually cut the paint with a razor.Ive never seen a defect free film install that looks good.and if you scratch it you have to look at all the time or replace.with all the dirt nibs bubbles and not sticking,just give me some touch up paint.

There are some bad installers out there. I have only seen this on bad installs. Other than that i have seen no difference in the cars.
Hello all. I am getting a new car this summer and am planning on having the car completely covered with Xpel. Is there any point in putting a coating over it or is it just something that will detract from the self-healing properties of the film? How would you maintain such a car? Thanks!

Congrats on the beautiful new Ferrari! Have you had it installed yet?

Sometimes, customers use a ceramic coating on top of the film, and its completely fine to do so. We do make a sealant designed to compliment the film, but many of our customers and installers sell ceramic coatings (all brands) and apply on top of the film. Do not install the coating before the PPF, always after.

As far as maintaining, if you don't put a coating or sealant on top...just your regular car wash, even automatic, is just fine.
Thanks guys for the positive posts.

Here is my 2013 GT speed getting corrected, rewrapped and opticoat pro plus
...apply on top of the film. Do not install the coating before the PPF, always after.

As far as maintaining, if you don't put a coating or sealant on top...just your regular car wash, even automatic, is just fine.

For some reason someone in Houston, or some people in Houston, I do not know who, has been preaching that coatings should be installed underneath film. Have had many customers calling wanting to know why I say coatings on top of film. I can't for the life of me understand why you'd want to install a coating, who's purpose is to make sure things don't adhere to the paint, underneath thousands of dollars of film. It just doesn't make sense. I could see how it may make the install easier in some cases...but thats a pretty crappy was of conducting business.