Looking for good video


New member
Jun 9, 2013
Reaction score
I need to produce a video to put on my website and my Youtube channel to present my business.

Someone I know is studying to become a movie producer so I thought I would hire her to produce it for me. Would be good experience for her and she can probably do a better job than me.

Thing is, I am not too good at coming up with creative ideas for things like that, so I would like to show her a few good videos so she can come up with something for me.

So do you have or do you know of nice videos promoting car detailing services?

I will show her some of Paul Dalton's work, but it's not what I have in mind since he doesn't speak or do anything other than process and results. I want some of that in the video but not only that.

So please share some links with me of any video you like (be it your own or someone else's).

Thanks guys!