Leatherique PSA - awful user experience, but at the fault of my own


New member
Mar 5, 2016
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I used Leatherique rejuvenator approximately April, 2015. I did what I *thought* was right for my first use of Leatherique. I applied liberally and then threw plastic seat covers on while leaving my seat heaters on while driving and then leaving it in the sun during daylight hours for 24+ hours. What I didn`t think about was the fact that my seats are perforated. As I was applying very liberally, the Leatherique was seeping into the foam below the perforated leather and creating a swampy environment for my raw leather to absorb within the perforations. The leather hardened where it was perforated, the dye job (previously unknown to me, apparently done by the dealer who sold me the car) started to crack and rub away, and the expanding foam (due to overuse of rejuvenator) created tears which continued to enlarge. I emailed Leatherique at the time, while freaking out, and they simply told me Leatherique would not do that to my leather and it is somehow my fault, which was extremely disappointing. Not because it was their fault, but because they completely dismissed me without even considering investigating the source of the problem and I was left confused, on my own, watching my seats self-destruct.

I would still use Leatherique in the future, even after this disaster. I`d use it MUCH more sparingly, and I`d check it every few hours to make sure everything is coming along smoothly. My seats were repaired yesterday after a long year of seat covers, but I want to make sure you all see what misuse of the product is capable of before you make my mistakes.

Here are a couple of pictures of the seats after being destroyed and after being replaced Note: the large chunk was removed so the replacement material perforations could be matched. The leather was so hard he just pulled a chunk out like perforated cardboard:

Sorry to hear about your bad experience. The seats in my AMGs are partially perforated as well, so here's what I do: Apply somewhat liberally to the non-perforated parts, and then when the applicator/towel is just mildly damp with product, lightly go over the perforated parts. I say somewhat liberally because leather treatments should be done in multiple stages, and not one big one. I look at it the same way as painting a car- A few lighter coats will turn out a much better final product than one big, wet one. :xyxthumbs:
On coated leather only a wipedown (with a diluted apc and onr if its in maintained condition) is needed, they dont need "conditioning".
So there not repaired seats there just brand new seats?

The torn parts have been replaced with brand new material.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience. The seats in my AMGs are partially perforated as well, so here's what I do: Apply somewhat liberally to the non-perforated parts, and then when the applicator/towel is just mildly damp with product, lightly go over the perforated parts. I say somewhat liberally because leather treatments should be done in multiple stages, and not one big one. I look at it the same way as painting a car- A few lighter coats will turn out a much better final product than one big, wet one. :xyxthumbs:

I suppose that's the route I should have went with, I just read so much how it should be really slathered on. Definitely regretted it and learned a lesson though.