Nasty grease removal.


New member
May 11, 2009
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I recently experienced somewhat of a revelation while washing my car after a 1600 mile road trip. As I got around to the driver's side, I began noticing some really sticky splotches of a nasty tar or grease (brown in color) of some type. It was not present on the passenger side. It was more heavily concentrated on the rocker and lower parts of the door, but was also as high as the door handles. There was even some around the back of the bumper and a few splotches on the vertical section of the trunk lid.

So I soap the driver's door and let it soak a little, then scrub with my microfiber mitt and rinse, and wa-la - NONE of it was removed. rubbing it with my finger revealed it to be incredibly sticky. So I repeated the process with the same result. OK - time to break out the Bug & Tar remover (the DG 471 that is not supposed to remove wax/sealant). Spray on - wait - scrub again, got maybe the smallest 30 - 40% of the (now) smears. Repeated again, seemed to be pretty good. Then moved on to the rear door, the back quarter and the bumper/trunk lid. Did my final sheet/rinse and moved car into garage for drying, and while drying and looking back into the light from the front of the garage, I can now see that I missed a bunch of the nastier spots. Being tired and desperate, I looked around and saw a bottle of old QD that I leave in the garage all the time. Amazingly, to me, the QD softened the sticky spots and made them almost easy to remove with a MF towel ( the towel might be toast). Then a week later, on another wash, I see another patch low on the rocker that I missed - and the QD worked again like a charm.

Summary: I was really impressed how easy the QD made this removal possible. This stuff was really nasty, and I have no idea where I picked it up, though probably going through some road construction on the interstate. I had a similar experience over 10 years ago, and ended up using kerosene to finally get it off - and had to re-apply sealant.

Wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience using QD in a non-traditional (at least to me) manner? I'm not even sure why it worked so well.
I'm guessing it worked so well because your vehicle has a sealant or wax protecting the paint, coupled with the QD having some cleaning ability, and the grabbiness of your MF towel holding onto the grease. Try this with one of those three factors removed and the grease probably wouldn't come off with QD.

another factor is you probably clean your car frequently and it makes any light cleaner work that much more effectively. I'll have to try a QD on road grease next time and see if I have similar results.
Ahhh, gotcha gizzsdad. Thanks and thanks for following the rules.
My guess is the QD contained an organic solvent, which therefore dissolved the tar.