Windshield coating


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Oct 21, 2015
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I'm ready to try a Glass coating, but not sure which one, lookin' for ease of use, at med. cost.
I've tried sealant on my garage queen. For my daily I'm going to need a coating. The suggestions I've
gotten so far :
Gyeon view
None of which are sold here or there.
Got a suggestion ??
McKee's 37 Glass Coating, glass sealant, rain repellent

I have had this last well over a year on the xterra. And very easy to apply.

+1, I cant say on longevity but easy as can be to put on and works very well. reminds me of rain-x but flashes dry and clean way easier and water beads off at lower speeds then rain-x. hoping longevity is better also rain-x got me 1-3 months depending on time of year and wiper use.
Did anyone try coating which is claiming it can add 4H or 9H protection to windshield?
What is the cure time for McKee's 37 Glass Coating? It doesn't say anything about it on the bottle I just received.
Thanks in advance.
I've had great luck with Aquapel, I applied it 6-months ago and it's still going strong! Was easy to apply too...
CarPro FORTE, but CarPro Flyby30 (sold here) is also a great product.

Another vote for FlyBy30 for 11 months it was going strong then it started degrading and water droplets and water from windshield wipers started etching into the glass, how much better FORTE is?
So I bought the McKee's Coating Kit that came with the paint and glass coatings. It came with some other goodies like the paint prep but no glass restorer that it mentions in the directions. Would a good glass cleaning, clay, and followed by an IPA wipedown be a good alternative prep prior to McKee's glass coating?
So I bought the McKee's Coating Kit that came with the paint and glass coatings. It came with some other goodies like the paint prep but no glass restorer that it mentions in the directions. Would a good glass cleaning, clay, and followed by an IPA wipedown be a good alternative prep prior to McKee's glass coating?

I use 3D Eraser gel with a magic eraser. takes just a minute or two. you'll feel the gel peeling off all the crude and previous coatings. Once you're down to virgin glass water will no longer bead or sheet off, it like sticks to it and coats it not wanting to move. Just goes to show how on even a newish car like my audi, etc. that the windshield is so porous and waiting to have it's pores filled with the coating. I did that and applied two coats of McKee's and it's amazingly smoooooooth.
Here are some vids I did of mine. The 1st is with WG uber after I cleaned it with an IPA solution.

The 1st time I hit rain with the Uber on it I was simply amazed at how well it worked going through town at 30~40mph. The second time was after the WG glass cleaner which I believe leaves something after and had a negative affect. It wasn't drastic nut noticeable.

Here are a couple links I had taken earlier 1st was with Uber after a cleaning with Perfect Vision and the second is with Flyby Forte.
So I bought the McKee's Coating Kit that came with the paint and glass coatings. It came with some other goodies like the paint prep but no glass restorer that it mentions in the directions. Would a good glass cleaning, clay, and followed by an IPA wipedown be a good alternative prep prior to McKee's glass coating?

I have basically the same question. Can I just clean, clay, IPA then seal?
Is the McKee's 37 Coating Prep Polish safe to use on glass (DA or foam pad)?

Thanks in advance,
Hey there, my first post here!
I have been researching a lot about glass and windshield coatings since my current ceramic coating provider offer one that lasts less than 6 months for windshields so that is a big problem when you have customers paying a lot for lasting protections so had the task to find other options. Here are the best consumer available options i have found:

PBL Diamong glass coating seems a good one and the fact that you can protect up to 50 windshields with just one bottle makes it very profitable, but is not an option for what i am looking for; i have been reading some reviews and some people stated lasting less than a few months because of the wipers usage.

Gtechniq G1 seems another good option they say it can last 20,000 km and up to 2 years, it is also applied as final glass coating by their authorized installers. I have found many comments of people using it for years but they say it last around one year or less and is not too easy for apply.

Cquartz FlyBy Forte seems to have the best performance on durability and hardness. Corey, from CarPro customer service, told me no coating last an entire 2 year period but they guarantee 1 to 2 year lasting. It is available on their webpage where it also says the coating is not affected by the wipers and it provides resistance to scratches and minor chips. As seen in the video, it has better hidrophobic properties than the WG Uber but of course is the more expensive one and you have to apply 3 layers on windshields but i think this is the winner for what i am looking for.

Another good option is Nanolex Ultra Glass Sealant, it is a german product that can last 30,000 km and up to 18 months, the water start rolling as low as 20 m/h, 5 ml is enough for a full averge windshield. The few comments i have found about it people say is the easiest one to apply (same as PBL Diamond Glass). With the 100 ml you are purchasing it for as low as $0.90 per ml but on their web page says it is out of stock, and that says something.

I have purchased most of the products and equipments i use from but it seems i need to go outside for this.

Happy purchase!