Bare aluminum rims with acid spots around rivets/bolts - please help


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Jul 10, 2016
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I've learned my lesson on using detail spray on uncoated aluminum rims. Unfortunately, I didn't wipe all the detail spray off and it left parts of the rim "milky" with spotty white discoloration from the acid.

I did search the forum and found an older thread that recommended Powerball Mini MD and Powermetal Scratch Removing Polish. Is this the best solution today? I also have closely spaced rivets/bolts around the whole inner portion of the wheel. The hexagonal bolts have a sharp edge and I am concerned that it will rip apart the Powerball or any similar product. The Powerball also may not be able to address the small areas between the bolts.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated?
I'm curious of the spray detailer as well - none of them (that I'm aware of) are acid based. If product just dried on the rim surface, try applying some more, and wiping it well. That usually removes any dried product.

As for the PowerBall Mini MD, it's designed to operate at <300 RPM. Low speed will not damage the ball. Damage almost always comes from too high of operating speed, or using a ball with dried polish on it - it needs to be cleaned after each use, and allowed to air dry before reassembly and storage.
I used Meguiar's Gold Class Quik Wax or M-Tech detail spray. The discoloration looks like those I have seen on pictures here of aluminum rims with acid damage but I could be wrong. I tried rubbing the area with PowerMetal polish by hand but it had no effect.

Would the exposed rivets not shred the PowerBall?
I don't see why the Powerball Mini wouldn't work around the rivets but personally I use the Mothers Powercone. I have a client that I polish his wheels twice a year and use the Powerball, powerball mini, and power cone. If you use too much polish it can fill in the rivet heads so don't forget to clean it out.
I used Meguiar's Gold Class Quik Wax or M-Tech detail spray. The discoloration looks like those I have seen on pictures here of aluminum rims with acid damage but I could be wrong. I tried rubbing the area with PowerMetal polish by hand but it had no effect.

Would the exposed rivets not shred the PowerBall?

"had no effect" -- did the applicator turn black?

Can you post some photos?
Sounds like the OP used an acid based wheel cleaner.
Sorry it turns out the wheel is not bare aluminum. It is Speedline with a clear coat or lacquer coat on the rim which may explain why there was no black residue when I rubbed the PowerMetal polish on the affected area.
The wheels have not been washed or sprayed with any wheel cleaner, only the Meguiar Quik Wax and M-tech detail spray was used.

The bolts/ rivets have a star shape and sit above the surface of the rim (not embedded in the rim) so I thought these might tear apart the Powerball or cone. Are there smaller Powerball-like attachments that can get into small/ tight spaces?