There's always that one customer...


New member
Mar 28, 2016
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There's always that one customer that you can't make happy!

For instance:

- The "I want everything for nothing" guy aka Price is too high.

- The "you missed a spot" guy aka points out the a little piece of fabric in his/hers carpet.

- The "i know everything" guy aka you should try vinegar on your windows it removes water spots.

Lol anyone wanna add on feel free... We all have ran into people like theses and hate dealing with them!!
There's always that one customer that you can't make happy!

For instance:

- The "I want everything for nothing" guy aka Price is too high.

- The "you missed a spot" guy aka points out the a little piece of fabric in his/hers carpet.

- The "i know everything" guy aka you should try vinegar on your windows it removes water spots.

Lol anyone wanna add on feel free... We all have ran into people like theses and hate dealing with them!!
You should be a able to pick up his personality within 5 minutes,so pretty much no I don't deal with those kind of people.
You should be a able to pick up his personality within 5 minutes,so pretty much no I don't deal with those kind of people.

Everyone that has detailed for awhile has at least dealt with one of them!
perhaps you should consider looking at it from outside looking in, versus inside looking out. Have you met the service level you offer ?? Have you honestly tried to meet or exceed the expectation ?? There are lots of people that are willing to pay for good work and good service, and should be free to discuss it should they feel that you failed to meet the level offered.

Years ago when I was trained in management, I was told the most valuable of lessons and have used it thru-out my life. 1. Always meet/exceed the expectation, you set the level up front together, then its yours to fail. (Good Communication upfront is critical) 2. Can you turn around a challenge or complaint and make it a success. Sometimes it can actually be fun .... even if you have to come out and say "what would make you happy given this .... situation" . Most people cannot stay focused and upset when you turn the tables and become their advocate.
You are correct,but you have to learn how to avoid those people so you don't keep making the same mistake or mis judgement.I had a lady 2 years ago called for a wash and wax on a new BMW 750.I told her 100.00 I get there she running late opens the door and asked me to vacuum out the dog hair.I said its gonna be extra 80.00 she says why,I explained difficult to remove and more time involved.she told me that her last detailer did it no charge,I told her well you might wanna call him back and she slammed the door and walked into her office,and told me that I'm rude.I wasn't rude she couldn't grasp the time it takes to vacuum that stuff up so I left.people will always try to get over you not all but a vast majority.
The only type or people I have no interest in working for are the ones who are not willing to pay for my work. If they want to pay Car Wash prices, I think they should simply go to a car wash. Other than that, if they want me to do things I find unreasonable or what ever, as long as they pay for it I have no issue with it.
The only type or people I have no interest in working for are the ones who are not willing to pay for my work. If they want to pay Car Wash prices, I think they should simply go to a car wash. Other than that, if they want me to do things I find unreasonable or what ever, as long as they pay for it I have no issue with it.
Agree it's hard labor.
Agree it's hard labor.

Right I can't stand someone that wants everything for nothing. People thing it's easy work, well then go home and try to do it yourself lol.
It will cost them probably 80.00 in products at Walmart.Its retail and happens to a lot of other businesses not just detailing.
I dont always get customers like those 3 types, but when I do

Its almost always "Too expensive" people loll
Right I can't stand someone that wants everything for nothing. People thing it's easy work, well then go home and try to do it yourself lol.

Agree... Do it yourself..
It is easy... But it's also time consuming....
I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to learn and do it for themselves?
tour always guaranteed to meet your own expectations too..
no matter how high or low they are...
There's always that one customer that you can't make happy!

For instance:

- The "I want everything for nothing" guy aka Price is too high.

- The "you missed a spot" guy aka points out the a little piece of fabric in his/hers carpet.

- The "i know everything" guy aka you should try vinegar on your windows it removes water spots.

Lol anyone wanna add on feel free... We all have ran into people like theses and hate dealing with them!!
It appears your Business certainly
has come in contact lately with an
overabundance of ne're-do-wells...

You've already posted what your team's
plan is going to be for, hopefully, preventing
future "No-Shows...

Our team has decided to start making
customers put down a deposit before
making an appointment.

We had a long talk about it after today's
issues and it seems to be the smartest
thing to do and locks the customer in.

what does your team have to say in
regards to the type of customers you
listed above?
