Do friends ask you to detail their cars?


New member
Sep 23, 2014
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I have some friends with REALLY nice cars. They see my car detailed and have either hinted or straight out asked me to detail theirs. I enjoy detailing as a hobby and would like to do some of the cars, but I wonder about a couple of things:
(1) should I get a liability release form?
(2) if the paints needs correction, should just glaze it and be done? I really don't like doing a half-a$$ job...maybe an AIO ( 3 in 1 or Speed).

most are not going to want a show car finish and probably aren't going to want to pay for it, so a this is where a AIO comes in. there's no point in doing it for a daily driver when it's probably going to end up back in the same shape in less than a year or sooner...
This is hard labor.I would have them pay a reduced hourly rate,if they truly want it done.
This is hard labor.I would have them pay a reduced hourly rate,if they truly want it done.

I agree you know what I hate even more then when a friend ask for a detail... When my wife's family members ask... Yuck
I don't have release, since this isn't my business...should I have them sign something?
Define 'really nice'....Are they paying you? You never mentioned that part.....
With friends and family I give them a reduced rate, I always just ask what their main concerns are and usually give them a little extra
I found with friends and family you need to communicate with them just like a customer. This is really important. I mean you don't have to charge them. They actually become a great customer as they tell their friends and they want you to do the car again...
Ha, just got a text from my friend/helper. "Can you clean my wife's car today?" Yeah, sure.

For friends, I tend to almost give my services away, but it's more of a hang out/bs time which I don't get much of anymore. For the In-laws I don't mind charging close to full price. ;)
I don't have release, since this isn't my business...should I have them sign something?

I would think so. You are doing them a friendly favor. You need some protection. My advice is: wash and wax only unless you have a release.
I get requests to do friends and families and neighbors cars all the time, and I don't charge I trade! So like elderly lady next store, I cleaned her Accord in and out, she made my wife and I a cake! Best trade ever! One time I cleaned the little kid neighbors bike after it got muddy, he taught me how to snipe in Call of Duty better. I clean my in laws cars in hopes they'll watch the dog. I always trade service for another, that way no one gets to pay and everyone is happy! Plus it seems to relieve some of the money discussion which can be awkward with people close to you!
Yes. And I charge what I charge everyone. They know it's quality work and are very willing to pay what I charge regular customers.

At the end of the day it's a business to make money whether you do it part time or full time. A good friend will understand and not expect your work for free or a discounted price.

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my Friends don't ask
me to detail their cars.

"REALLY nice cars" ? I'd tell them that I'd have to pick it up and bring it back to my house. That way you get to thrash on them for a minute Im the MAN
It's only a hobby for me but every one knows better than to ask. I do a few family members cars unpaid as a favor of my choosing who I feel appreciate or deserve it.
This thread is ironic to me, the other night my neighbor asked me to detail their mini van they are getting ready to sale. He told me just to make it clean, and as nice as you can, and tell me how much I owe you.