Ipa clay bar and klasse paint sealant??!!


New member
Sep 26, 2012
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Had a quick question,
Purchased a new Cummins laramie limited 2500 and started detailing it this weekend. Washed,Clayed, wolfgang 3.0 twinned it up and then IPA washed, then applied about 1oz of KLASSE synthetic paint sealant on the entire truck. BTW detailing trucks takes FOREVER!!!!!! Waited for 12 hours to de-gass and was getting ready to apply some dodo juice white wax but its raining now.... So I'm going to put the truck in storage for the week and ill be back friday to work some more. Anyways on to the question. I was thinking of washing it again next friday, hitting it with another pass of the clay bar and then IPA, another coat of KLASSE then sunday waxing just to make sure its good and sealed. Is this overkill? Is a pre existing coat of Klass sealant going to be foddered by claying and IPA? What I would hope would happen is the structure would be left intact leaving me able to build up another coat before the wax. I just want to make sure it has the very best for her we all know that feeling. Cheers guys
I would just damp wipe or rinse depending on the environment.no more claying or alcohol.klasse is a good product,but there is a lot of better products out there.all the time you invested in that process you could of coated it with mckees coating,so easy to apply and remove and far more durability for 40.00.nice truck btw.looking at some 5500 crew cab diesel.
Thanks for the update, yeah I think ill just wash and then wax, ill look into mckees next year. Do you think adding another klasse coat after a wash is a good idea just for added protection? or just wax and call it good.
And buy one if you can. The problems with the DEF/emissions issues have been completely solved from what I have experienced and what I have read. Its a great system now a days. But do plan on deleting after the warranty is gone :)
Klasse is stackable,I would just rinse it and apply one more coat of klasse.The wax process will deepen the color,but won't last long.If your looking for a deep warm shine with great durability collinite 845.one coat and your good for 6 months depending on how you wash your truck.