Distilled water really?


New member
Apr 6, 2013
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If I'm reading correct some of you perform RWashes with distilled water , why? Isn't that wasting money? With my glass cleaner I always mix it with dw for a final wipe but body panels, really?
At Walmart, distilled water is about $0.88 a gallon - not very expensive compared to lots of other things. And if you do a RW correctly with 2 buckets, the "wash" water can be used several times negating the cost of buying distilled. Personally, I'm still a "HOSE 'ER DOWN" type, but I mix my D115 with distilled from Walmart because the distilled water from drug stores had added minerals (for taste they say).

I found out the hard way if I don't use distilled in my D115, I can leave streaks and water spots - since my car is black, I have to take EVERY precaution.
I mix my D115 with distilled from Walmart because the distilled water from drug stores had added minerals (for taste they say).

Yeah, but that would be "spring water" or "mineral water", wouldn't it? They usually have two kinds of gallon jugs of water in the supermarket or Walmart etc., "spring water" and "distilled water"; one's for drinking, one's for your iron or car washing.
Yeah, but that would be "spring water" or "mineral water", wouldn't it? They usually have two kinds of gallon jugs of water in the supermarket or Walmart etc., "spring water" and "distilled water"; one's for drinking, one's for your iron or car washing.

:iagree: True distilled water is entirely free of minerals.
DW doesnt leave water spots on your body panels. I think thats the main reason people use it.
I use distilled when I mix up waterless wash but use regular tap for Rinseless. I sometimes do a quick hose down before doing a Rinseless wash so wouldn't matter if the Rinseless solution was tap or distilled.
I use distilled for anything that's not gonna be used and discarded.

If I was going to do a rinseless wash with a stack of microfibers and I wanted to store the rest of my solution for the next wash with a gamma seal then I would use distilled. Anything that gets mixed in a spray bottle gets distilled also.

If I do a rinsless and mix just enough to do one vehicle and or use a mitt with a rinse bucket I will just use tap water and discard the rest when done.

Basically I don't want to store anything with tap water for fear the minerals with get funky and cause growth.

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Ok but when I'm doing a rw I don't let the water dry == no spots.

And that's why you don't need DW. Plus most RW/WW will soften your tap water. Any product that I cut, I will use DW.
At Walmart, distilled water is about $0.88 a gallon - not very expensive compared to lots of other things. And if you do a RW correctly with 2 buckets, the "wash" water can be used several times negating the cost of buying distilled. Personally, I'm still a "HOSE 'ER DOWN" type, but I mix my D115 with distilled from Walmart because the distilled water from drug stores had added minerals (for taste they say).

I found out the hard way if I don't use distilled in my D115, I can leave streaks and water spots - since my car is black, I have to take EVERY precaution.

Distilled Water is a colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid. Neither Walmart nor Walgreens or CVS adds 'stuff' to it for taste. That is what drinking water/mineral water/spring water is for.

DW is also unfit for drinking. It has a pH of 7 ideally and has no dissolved minerals which makes it not a wise choice to drink (Drinking water has a pH of 7.8-8 which has alkali minerals dissolved in it which is needed for the electrolytes in your body. DW does not have and should not have any of that.
Yeah, but that would be "spring water" or "mineral water", wouldn't it? They usually have two kinds of gallon jugs of water in the supermarket or Walmart etc., "spring water" and "distilled water"; one's for drinking, one's for your iron or car washing.

Distilled Water is a colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid. Neither Walmart nor Walgreens or CVS adds 'stuff' to it for taste. That is what drinking water/mineral water/spring water is for.

DW is also unfit for drinking. It has a pH of 7 ideally and has no dissolved minerals which makes it not a wise choice to drink (Drinking water has a pH of 7.8-8 which has alkali minerals dissolved in it which is needed for the electrolytes in your body. DW does not have and should not have any of that.
i cant see a point using distilled water either, don't think the normal tap water will scratch your paint or anything, especially coated paint like mine, that's a myth IMO !! just use filtered tap water, i think distilled water will not leave water spots, but correct me if am wrong...!
i cant see a point using distilled water either,
don't think the normal tap water will scratch
your paint or anything, especially coated
paint like mine, that's a myth IMO !!

just use filtered tap water,

i think distilled water will not leave
water spots, but correct me if am wrong...!
Hmmm...Not leaving water spots:
That's one of the purposes behind
the use of distilled and other types
of mineral/sediment-free water.

Just curious:
What is that filter, that your are using
on the tap water source, supposed to
be filtering?

We ALL should be drinking distilled water. Our bodies dont do anything with dissolved solids in water except let them build up in our joints as arthritis. We get our minerals from plants that have converted solid minerals to soluble.
We ALL should be drinking distilled water. Our bodies dont do anything with dissolved solids in water except let them build up in our joints as arthritis. We get our minerals from plants that have converted solid minerals to soluble.
There's an old adage that's brought
up on this and other forums that says:
"If it's on you, then it's in you!"
(i.e.: Your skin will absorb water
and most everything that's in it)

This being the case:
Then no matter how "clean the water"
is that's drank...best not to forget about
the water used to take a shower/bath.

Really no need to worry about the nuances
of drinking distilled vs. other "clean waters"...
if you are contaminating yourself in the shower.
