Good Idea or Not?


New member
May 17, 2015
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I like putting a coat, or two, of Colinite 845 on the cars before winter. My wife's car is white, and I remember last year it was hard to see once it was on and flashed. Would putting a few drops of food coloring, in the bottle, affect anything? And no, I haven't been drinking yet.
I don't think I would. One of our vehicles is white and I don't have a problem using 845 on it. You could try a small amount on a small area and let us know how that works for you. I guess you could always polish it out if it is a problem. Let us know.
Always do your final wipe looking at it from a angle.The towel alone will drag or catch product if not all removed.
I wouldn't risk the food coloring... Staining is a real possibility.
I've used it on my wife's white CR-V with only 2 incandescents above for light and have been able to see it fine after machine application.

I like putting a coat, or two, of Colinite 845 on the cars before winter. My wife's car is white, and I remember last year it was hard to see once it was on and flashed. Would putting a few drops of food coloring, in the bottle, affect anything? And no, I haven't been drinking yet.

You may want to think about anti-psychotics; forget the booze.

What I suggest you do with white paint and 845 is to "train your eye" when you begin to apply it to the vehicle. Here is what I do....

1- Use a slightly damp applicator. It will help.
2- Apply a fair amount on a panel where it has the most contrast. You won't do this for the entire vehicle, just in the beginning.
3- As you are spreading and applying, look for the borders (where you have product and where you don't); continue to expand the borders until you have an even distribution of product. You may need to move your body and/or head around up and down to see where and how you are applying the product. That is the "training" part.

After a couple of panels you shouldn't have much of a problem any longer.
As an avid 845 user, I'll say this: Even on my gray truck, I'll miss a few spots on removal. To my surprise, even after a day or so they are VERY easy to buff off.

And, in full disclosure: I probably miss those spots because of drinking. :)