Detailing advertising?


New member
Mar 28, 2016
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We all know when it comes to advertising word to mouth is your number 1.

But what do you think is the next best thing that works for gaining new customers? Yelp? Google Ads? Facebook? Mass Mailing?

What's your experience? And has worked best for you over the years??
so ive been using the promote button on my FB business page nd its been amazing, for 10 bucks or less it reaches thousands of people and has filled inbox and wallet
I personally get most of my business through google. I've tried promoting my Facebook page with minimal success but I believe I'm targeting the wrong people. Haven't looked too much into it. I'll be following this for any tips that may be shared.
We have have used Facebook as well and yes it always have paid 10 fold but like said it targets the wrong customers sometimes. I have just began using Google and it has paid off as well, not as fast but definitely more high end vehicles have been detailed through Google then Facebook.

I have thought about sending mass mail promote cards to my area but it cost min $500.00 but I worry it won't pay off.
We have have used Facebook as well and yes it always have paid 10 fold but like said it targets the wrong customers sometimes. I have just began using Google and it has paid off as well, not as fast but definitely more high end vehicles have been detailed through Google then Facebook.

I have thought about sending mass mail promote cards to my area but it cost min $500.00 but I worry it won't pay off.
I was on the hook for $7000 in 2006 to be in a advertising home guide.The presentation was nice glossy and professional.The only people that called were people who were super cheap,after a while I didn't answer the phone.I tried to bail out but it was a signed contract,and they were hitting my Amex for 549.00 a month.Probably the biggest mistake I've done.Target your potential clientele and have some patience.My phone carries my business,I'm not on any web or Facebook it takes time to build a loyal following.
I was on the hook for $7000 in 2006 to be in a advertising home guide.The presentation was nice glossy and professional.The only people that called were people who were super cheap,after a while I didn't answer the phone.I tried to bail out but it was a signed contract,and they were hitting my Amex for 549.00 a month.Probably the biggest mistake I've done.Target your potential clientele and have some patience.My phone carries my business,I'm not on any web or Facebook it takes time to build a loyal following.

Ooh ouch! That sux but hey - you may have saved a few people reading this from making the same mistake. Great information right there, thanks for sharing, sorry it cost you.

I agree with your comments on being patient & targeting your preferred clientele, build your reputation with high quality work & as much as it sounds like a broken record - word of mouth will work.

That being said, I did just start a facebook page. I haven't spent any money on the "boosting" advertising gig on there & my intention was to use it as a place for people to veiw some of my work & not really as an advertising tool but I have to admit - It reaches people I may not have ever done before. I dunno, I'm still on the fence as to if facebook can be a good advertising tool but I can't see it hurting either.

Aaryn NZ. :dblthumb2:
Website, good SEO, a good facebook page and you'll have the phone ringing off the hook. Potential clients LOVE to see examples of your work and you can show that off on your website and facebook page. If you can get to the top of google for your local market, it's simply amazing how much work you'll get. It does take time but is worth it in the end and its doesn't costs a dime if you do it yourself.
website, good seo, a good facebook page and you'll have the phone ringing off the hook. Potential clients love to see examples of your work and you can show that off on your website and facebook page. If you can get to the top of google for your local market, it's simply amazing how much work you'll get. It does take time but is worth it in the end and its doesn't costs a dime if you do it yourself.

^^^ this. This. This.
Yea face book has make us thousands this year and brought us a decent amount of returning customers allowing us to build a good word to mouth base as well.
I think I spent $39 the first week I used FB ads and had over 14k impressions. Meaning, 14k people in my area saw my ad. Of those 14k, significantly less actually clicked my add; around the 1k mark, but the impression is what matters to me. From there, they'll google search, see my page, click on it, and read about it. That's my goal. Since I do this on the side, I'm VERY selective of who I choose to work with, and that's the way I want it. For others, you might want the actual lead, ultimately resulting in the sale. There's exceptional platforms for this industry to promote on. Instagram, pinterest, snapchat, facebook, twitter, periscope, etc.
I think I spent $39 the first week I used FB ads and had over 14k impressions. Meaning, 14k people in my area saw my ad. Of those 14k, significantly less actually clicked my add; around the 1k mark, but the impression is what matters to me. From there, they'll google search, see my page, click on it, and read about it. That's my goal. Since I do this on the side, I'm VERY selective of who I choose to work with, and that's the way I want it. For others, you might want the actual lead, ultimately resulting in the sale. There's exceptional platforms for this industry to promote on. Instagram, pinterest, snapchat, facebook, twitter, periscope, etc.

I am in the same boat as you and I agree...I'm very choosy with who I work with as well. It's nice to be in a position where I can turn down work!

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