My car and what i think to be a!

KJW Detailing

New member
Mar 20, 2007
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Ok so driving home tonight from work i am stopped to make a turn and a car flying by me throws a drink which i think was like a fruit smoothie...dam kids!

I got home about 10-15 minutes later and i simple hosed all what was on the car and slightly dried up...

Tomorrow i plan on doing a wash and whatnot...but i just want to make sure that the cars paint will be fine and that i can wait until tomorrow since i hosed it off...

I would think it would be ok but I would have spot washed it with some soap and water.
Man I hate it when kids do immature acts like that, especially eggings, which btw will come soon =X. A baby actually got injured from an egging!

Back on topic.. I believe you should be ok, it's not like acid or anything like that :)