Cleaning flat black?


May 14, 2006
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I tried searching and did not come up with anything, so here I go.

A couple places on my car; the trunk panel, front chin spoiler, are painted in a flat or matte black. Its been not quite a year, and its starting to show water marks and spots where bugs have decided to end their lives. The entire car gets washed regularly, but I wanted to see if there was a product/way to clean these areas up without giving them a shine.

Thoughts or suggestions would be great:D
Cool, so 2 votes for the Poor Boys stuff:cheers:
Mother's Back to black. Says on the bottle you can use it on flat black paint.
I have Back to Black, I use it on all the black surfaces in the engine compartment. It gives everything a good look, but its not exactly what I am wanting on the exterior parts. The water marks are mainly what I am wanting to eliminate.
flat black paint can be treated just as you would regular clear coated paint. The difference is the pigment. So paint polishes and wax are a good idea. One problem with matte surfaces, they seem to amplify any correction needed.
Oh that sounds perfect. I had thought about taking some polish to it, but I was not sure how it would come out. Excellent, I will give that a whirl.

Thanks for the replies gentlemen:righton: