View Full Version : Washing microfiber towels separately?

08-16-2016, 06:59 PM
Hey guys,

Do you guys separate your microfibers into certain categories when you wash them? I was thinking about washing them in these categories:

Category 1:
Cobra Guzzler Drying Towels

Category 2:
Gold Plush Jrs (Polish removers)
530GSM from MF Tech (Wax removers)

Category 3:
Cheap microfibers (interior, door jambs, etc)
Wheels microfibers (I actually usually don't dry wheels with towels as I use my Turbo Car Dryer)

What do you guys think?

Setec Astronomy
08-16-2016, 07:11 PM
Everybody has their own system. I personally separate my glass, general, and drying towels. I also am experimenting with a "waterless wash" category, since those theoretically have a lot of dirt in them, but that's a nascent catergory since I really don't do much waterless washing. Hmm...now that I'm thinking about it, perhaps the bird poop towels should be moved from "general" to "waterless wash".

08-16-2016, 07:16 PM
Yep but I don't over think it.
Level 1 New towels washed together
Level 2 Used but in good or like new condition washed together
Level 3 all others washed together or thrown out.

Regular detergent low heat. I don't use drying towels but use a leaf blower then followed with spray way or ONR and a mf.

08-16-2016, 09:01 PM
Just leave all my MF's out in the rain. Seems to do the trick. ;)

But really, I wash my LSP towels, and drying towels together. None of them come in contact with contaminates, so I feel safe with it.

Applicators, and sponges I do by hand.

Throwaway's for tires/wheel wells I'll dunk in a bucket with DAWN soap for a few times until I chuck them.

08-16-2016, 09:32 PM
Wheels separate, drying towels separate. Everything else goes together.

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08-16-2016, 10:05 PM
Since all my stuff goes in the same bucket after I'm done doing a detail...

I usually put it all in the bath tub, rinse them and let them soak in warm water with some cleaner

Then I run them in the washer with micro fiber wash, let them dry over night or a quick cycle in the dryer

08-16-2016, 10:33 PM
Two loads:

1. Paint/glass
2. Everything else.

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08-16-2016, 10:37 PM
All separate loads

Drying towels
Door jamb and wheel towels
Polish, sealant, etc
Glass WW towels