Iron-X on bare metal?


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Jan 8, 2016
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I am wondering if this would get rid of some small surface rust. Like for example on a regular exhaust pipe or muffler. Typically I see the welds that rust first, would it be a good idea to use it on areas like this?

I'm pretty sure it says not to be used on bare metal. There are much better products for prepping and cleaning for rust, like the POR15 all purpose cleaner and rust prep spray.

I am wondering if this would get rid of some small surface rust. Like for example on a regular exhaust pipe or muffler. Typically I see the welds that rust first, would it be a good idea to use it on areas like this?

-IronX, and its ilk, may work
OK for the task you describe...

-but the below product will work
better, not only in the initial rust
"removal" process, but it will also
excel at holding any future rust
formations on exhaust system
components/welds well at bay.


What about on the cheap steel wheels many econoboxes have?

Yeah not to mention some can get on the calipers and rotors which are usually bare metal on a basic car.

My question also to the above. I looked into both POR-15 and this Rust Reformer, Rust reformer seems like it is a glorified primer that really does nothing. I haven't found anything useful on por-15 to suggest it really kills the rust, and is not just some other cover up product. Does anyone have any real examples of rust being removed by those actual products? I don't really have a lot of faith in the rust removal industry. So if someone does have a valid product that actually works, would be cool. :)

I seen people up here in Canada, get there cars coated, with all sorts of stuff. They sometimes pay 100's for, and the car still rusts out anyway lol, I think the best way is to be always treating as it happens, rather than pretending like a quick fix will solve the problem, but if there is a product that can help do that.... :)
Yeah not to mention some can get on the calipers and rotors which are usually bare metal on a basic car.

My question also to the above. I looked into both POR-15 and this Rust Reformer, Rust reformer seems like it is a glorified primer that really does nothing. I haven't found anything useful on por-15 to suggest it really kills the rust, and is not just some other cover up product. Does anyone have any real examples of rust being removed by those actual products?

It can discolor bare metal callipers, often blackening them.. especially if left to dry.... all of which is warned of on the packaging.
What about on the cheap steel wheels
many econoboxes have?
I understand that penny-pinching is a
top priority when it comes to econoboxes...

But, surely: Weren't their original steel
wheels painted, in toto, rather than
being bare, when those econoboxes were
sold to consumers?

I looked into both POR-15 and
this Rust Reformer,

Rust reformer seems like it is a
glorified primer that really does
It seems you have a reached a
conclusion regarding a product
you have never used.

For me:
It really "kills the rust"; and
keeps future rusting of the
exhaust components---that your
OP focuses on---from reoccurring
on a daily basis, (as it will, if left
"untreated", as it were).

But since I now know the following:
I don't really have a lot of faith
in the rust removal industry.

I doubt you'll have faith in
any of my suggestions.
So if someone does have a valid product
that actually works, would be cool. :)

It can discolor bare metal callipers, often blackening them.. especially if left to dry.... all of which is warned of on the packaging.

Really? Where? I don't see any wanring about this on the bottle. My bottle just has directions on how to use it, and to not get in my eyes etc. Nothing about bare metal....Anyway I haven't used any yet. So it's good to know, but it is the reason I asked the question as there is ntohing on the label saying otherwise.
Isn't IronX supposed to be similar to DUB Wheel Cleaner for the most part? I have a couple full bottles of the DUB not only as a poormans IronX when needed, but mainly because it's supposed to be safe to use on Any wheels. That includes bare aluminum etc.. Those rare occasions where D143 and D140 will both haze bare metal in the same way.

Based on that I'd say yes it is safe on bare metal.
I understand that penny-pinching is a
top priority when it comes to econoboxes...

But, surely: Weren't their original steel
wheels painted, in toto, rather than
being bare, when those econoboxes were
sold to consumers?


Any when those wheels get scratched up, there's now bare metal exposed. Not going to repaint unless someone is paying me to do so, but don't want to make things worse either.
It says not for use on bare metal for Iron X. I did and it etched the surface. Had to re-polish alloy wheel (luckily I only did 1 and noticed).
Really? Where? I don't see any wanring about this on the bottle. My bottle just has directions on how to use it, and to not get in my eyes etc. Nothing about bare metal....Anyway I haven't used any yet. So it's good to know, but it is the reason I asked the question as there is ntohing on the label saying otherwise.

Heres the FAQ's on Carpros website.. sorry not explicit on the bottle..
Will Iron X stain chrome wheels or chrome trims?

No, it’s completely safe to use on any chrome wheels, trim, or bare aluminum wheels. There is only one condition: Do not let it dry under sun light

Will Iron X discolor wheel weights ?

Yes, it will. Wheel weights are made from lead, Iron X will change the lead color to green. However light agitation will recover the original color.

Will Iron X affect brake calipers ?

For most high end calipers it will not affect them however we have heard from customers in the past that Iron X can affect the paint color of low quality acrylic painted calipers. For this reason we advise you to be more careful not to spray on them.