Need help with a project for my Masters degree (regarding product development)


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Jul 7, 2015
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I will preface this by apologizing if I am breaking any rules, I fully understand if it gets deleted.

I am currently a Masters in Entrepreneurship student at the University of South Florida, and one of my major projects involves developing a business plan for a new business. I am wanting to do the project on a new line of eco-friendly detailing products so I am trying to find resources to help out with figuring out the development cost, or a company that can help me develop the products (Long term goal). Any information about the detailing product market will be greatly appreciated.
Well, if you search the forum for the member SON1C you can come across some of his original threads when he was developing his wax.

He now has a decent selection, but it all started as an itch to develop a great wax right out of his own kitchen. The monetary investment in no way compares to the time spent developing the products and testing in a multitude of scenarios.

I know wax is a small facet of a detailing product line, but if you haven't read through that thread, it has a ton of information for getting started in the car care game.
I will preface this by apologizing if I am breaking any rules, I fully understand if it gets deleted.

I am currently a Masters in Entrepreneurship student at the University of South Florida, and one of my major projects involves developing a business plan for a new business. I am wanting to do the project on a new line of eco-friendly detailing products so I am trying to find resources to help out with figuring out the development cost, or a company that can help me develop the products (Long term goal). Any information about the detailing product market will be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like a great idea.The carcare industry is so saturated to death.Even if it's eco friendly.I have a idea that will revolutionize a promblem for everyone.Its in the auto related field but not a car wax or anything.I spent 1500 just on a patent search.should be hearing back soon.But don't listen to me and do what you love.Good luck on your new founded adventure.
yea, I know its an insanely saturated market. Hope everything turns out awesome for you @GSKR
Finish Kare/Ultima advertised full product development on their site. I believe that this is how Garry Dean makes his products. I could be wrong.
3d may help you. Eco Touch makes all eco friendly products they may be of some help.
Finish Kare/Ultima advertised full product development on their site. I believe that this is how Garry Dean makes his products. I could be wrong.
Do they make a formulation of your own proprietary patent or just manufacture and distribution.