Just Finished Applying Optimum Gloss Coat


New member
Jul 21, 2016
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I finally put a coating on my car. I spent whatever free time I had during the week polishing and prepping for the coating, which came in yesterday. Today I took half a day from work to coat the car. Went over everything again with the paint prep spray and proceeded to coat the car. I put the little blue needle on the syringe, made sure it was nice and tight and went to apply product onto the applicator and POOF! Half of the product was lost. It came out of everywhere except for were it was supposed to. It came out of the top, past the plunger somehow and squirted me in the face, came out the sides of the blue needle where it met the syringe and I had the stuff spray all over the driveway, my car and in my face. It didn't get into my eyes but just by how close it was to my eyes, I felt my eyes burning. I washed my face, wiped the car down, which need to be touched up with some polish because some of the spray had cured, and I took the stupid blue needle out and carefully applied the stuff to the applicator. From that point on, things went smoothly.

This stuff is so very easy to work with. Apply a section at a time and just watch the majority of it disappear. Then lightly go over the few high spots that may remain with a mf towel, and that's it. Just have to make sure you wipe it off before it starts to cure, otherwise it's not coming off.

So basically, I'm happy with the result, I like the product, but absolutely hate the evil little syringe thing that made something that should of been easy, a nightmare for the first 45 minutes/hour. Damn that hell sent thing....

Anyway, here are some pictures of the finished product...

Very nice. Yes, dump the blue needle and just use gravity to prime your applicator. Did you use the whole syringe?
Very nice. Yes, dump the blue needle and just use gravity to prime your applicator. Did you use the whole syringe?

Yeah, I wish I knew that before I tried to use that blue needle, but oh well. Live and learn. I still have a little left after doing 2 coats and losing a s*** ton of it. It's the 20cc syringe.

Looks awesome!

Thank you!
The car looks magnificent, like glass.

Wonder why such would happen though, and how such then occurs? Could it be that after a period of time after the product is packaged into the Styringe, does perhaps the product set a bit, sort of like an epoxy glue, or a tube of some type of Caulk, and then it takes a substantial amount of pressure on the Plunger to initially dispense?

Then when it does break free, and begins to flow, it's like a pffffffffffffffffffffft!, and excessive product comes out.

That it's maybe akin to like buying a Caulk Tube of RTV Sealant, that one first needs to "break" a seal, or a barrier of slightly dried product?

I never used any of the Optimum Coatings, or any others that come in a Styringe to have experience with such.

Have others had this happen? Were, or are there posts relating to others having this same thing happen?

If not, then I think others should know from your experience, and I might even go as far to contact the company, or perhaps autogeek, that such should perhaps be mentioned, and the possibility you may also be compensated from the loss of this expensive product.

Optimum I believe is the sort of company that would be interested in your experiences, and might help you.
The car looks magnificent, like glass.

Wonder why such would happen though, and how such then occurs? Could it be that after a period of time after the product is packaged into the Styringe, does perhaps the product set a bit, sort of like an epoxy glue, or a tube of some type of Caulk, and then it takes a substantial amount of pressure on the Plunger to initially dispense?

Then when it does break free, and begins to flow, it's like a pffffffffffffffffffffft!, and excessive product comes out.

That it's maybe akin to like buying a Caulk Tube of RTV Sealant, that one first needs to "break" a seal, or a barrier of slightly dried product?

I never used any of the Optimum Coatings, or any others that come in a Styringe to have experience with such.

Have others had this happen? Were, or are there posts relating to others having this same thing happen?

If not, then I think others should know from your experience, and I might even go as far to contact the company, or perhaps autogeek, that such should perhaps be mentioned, and the possibility you may also be compensated from the loss of this expensive product.

Optimum I believe is the sort of company that would be interested in your experiences, and might help you.

I'll gladly tell any who will listen. I don't think it's just me that had this problem with the syringe. Somebody on facebook just commented saying they had the same problem with the Wolfgang coating syringe and I remember reading the syringe giving some people a hard time. It's really a shame because the product itself is fantastic to work with.
As far as the blue tip goes, it's sometimes hard to tell if that or the cap are seated all the way down in the Luer-Lok. Also if the threads get crusted up that can be a real problem, but i've never had a new syringe with crusty threads. Like anything else, a syringe plunger that hasn't moved in a while is going to be a little bit "stuck". And it of course is possible that it had started to gel somewhere which formed a "clog". I splattered some Opti-Lens or OC 2.0 in the same way the OP did, that I was trying to salvage after it started to partially gel.
As far as the blue tip goes, it's sometimes hard to tell if that or the cap are seated all the way down in the Luer-Lok. Also if the threads get crusted up that can be a real problem, but i've never had a new syringe with crusty threads. Like anything else, a syringe plunger that hasn't moved in a while is going to be a little bit "stuck". And it of course is possible that it had started to gel somewhere which formed a "clog". I splattered some Opti-Lens or OC 2.0 in the same way the OP did, that I was trying to salvage after it started to partially gel.

It wasn't crusted or anything. I think it might of been defective. It came out of where the plunger is, it made it past the seal. Either way, I got my 2 coats on my car so I can't complain too much.

Good save. Awesome job. Tell about those lights.

Thanks. Those are the lights from the DIY light thread. I gotta find the exact LED bulbs that I used, they're listed in that thread.

Beautiful job my friend!

Very clever vanity plate

Thank you
It wasn't crusted or anything. I think it might of been defective. It came out of where the plunger is, it made it past the seal.

Oh, I misunderstood you. The hole in the blue tip is really, really tiny. If the plunger was "stuck", and all of a sudden let go, or the tip got clogged, the pressure has to go somewhere. Glad you weren't injured from that splattering back at you.
Looks good :xyxthumbs:. You are lucky that your brand new syringe did not leak out like mine did. I lost 2-3 cc's out of the 10cc syringe where the black plug was not seated correctly when I received it.

So do you have some nice beading and sheeting action going on your face :laughing:?

The car looks magnificent, like glass.

Wonder why such would happen though, and how such then occurs? Could it be that after a period of time after the product is packaged into the Styringe, does perhaps the product set a bit, sort of like an epoxy glue, or a tube of some type of Caulk, and then it takes a substantial amount of pressure on the Plunger to initially dispense?

Then when it does break free, and begins to flow, it's like a pffffffffffffffffffffft!, and excessive product comes out.

That it's maybe akin to like buying a Caulk Tube of RTV Sealant, that one first needs to "break" a seal, or a barrier of slightly dried product?

I never used any of the Optimum Coatings, or any others that come in a Styringe to have experience with such.

Have others had this happen? Were, or are there posts relating to others having this same thing happen?

If not, then I think others should know from your experience, and I might even go as far to contact the company, or perhaps autogeek, that such should perhaps be mentioned, and the possibility you may also be compensated from the loss of this expensive product.

Optimum I believe is the sort of company that would be interested in your experiences, and might help you.

Gloss Coat doesn't get crusty on the blue tip. Opti Lens on the other hand does. Also Gloss Coat doesn't set a bit as it is in the tube. Never experienced that or heard of that.

You are correct that it takes a little more pressure to initially release the plunger to start forcing the coating out. This takes a little practice. Had this happen to me with opti-lens the first time but not gloss coat. It takes a little practice to get it just right.

As Setec mentioned the blue tip has to be seated all the way down in the Luer-Lock. If not then the same issue the op experienced can happen.

I have used Gloss Coat on 3 vehicles now and have never had any issues with the blue tip.

As far as the blue tip goes, it's sometimes hard to tell if that or the cap are seated all the way down in the Luer-Lok. Also if the threads get crusted up that can be a real problem, but i've never had a new syringe with crusty threads. Like anything else, a syringe plunger that hasn't moved in a while is going to be a little bit "stuck". And it of course is possible that it had started to gel somewhere which formed a "clog". I splattered some Opti-Lens or OC 2.0 in the same way the OP did, that I was trying to salvage after it started to partially gel.

All good points. I would tend to agree with you that it was the initial pressure to squeeze down the plunger. That can happen. It takes a little practice to exert a little pressure to squeeze out the initial air within the syringe to get the coating to flow out smoothly.

Oh, I misunderstood you. The hole in the blue tip is really, really tiny. If the plunger was "stuck", and all of a sudden let go, or the tip got clogged, the pressure has to go somewhere. Glad you weren't injured from that splattering back at you.

Yup this is very true about the pressure. Especially on the initial release of the coating.
Oh, I misunderstood you. The hole in the blue tip is really, really tiny. If the plunger was "stuck", and all of a sudden let go, or the tip got clogged, the pressure has to go somewhere. Glad you weren't injured from that splattering back at you.

Yeah it is, it drips out very slowly. Yeah me to. The stuff doesn't taste very good lol.

Looks good :xyxthumbs:. You are lucky that your brand new syringe did not leak out like mine did. I lost 2-3 cc's out of the 10cc syringe where the black plug was not seated correctly when I received it.

So do you have some nice beading and sheeting action going on your face :laughing:?

I probably lost that much or more when it squired into my face, onto the car and onto my driveway. I must have some nice beading action, the tears rolled off my face very quickly when my eyes started to burn lol
Goodness, that is one beautiful car! :dblthumb2:

BTW: What is in the tree above your car? At first I thought it was a wasp nest...
All that matters is the end result and damn does that look nice. :props:
Your car makes me smile.

I pull the syringe back first to break it free then eek it forward
Thanks for the compliments! It's very rewarding, now I can drive and enjoy, finally :)

Goodness, that is one beautiful car! :dblthumb2:

BTW: What is in the tree above your car? At first I thought it was a wasp nest...

Thank you. That's a very low hanging bird house.

Your car makes me smile.

I pull the syringe back first to break it free then eek it forward

Thanks, me to :)

I did try that but I kept having leaking problems. Once I remove the blue needle, everything went very smoothly.
Your car makes me smile.(I loved his tag!)

I pull the syringe back first to break it free then eek it forward
I called ivan because I used 20cc with out problems. I purchased another 20cc and it exploded out two times and squirted my van,face,clothes,floor.......so I stopped and called Optimum headquarters in Tennessee and was told about the same pull back first then it should be smooth after that.I have to try this on the new tube and make sure it does not go to waste. But yes once out of the tube the product is great.
I see that!!

I jam a tooth pick in the end of the blue needle before and after using. That way when I draw it in I know I am not creating a vacuum.
When done I blow it out and put toothpick in to prevent any product solidifying in the needle