Opti-seal vs.Wolfgang WOWO


New member
Sep 18, 2016
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I'm looking at starting to use WOWO sealants but never have. Both of these products look to be very easy to use.

Does anyone have any feed back on either product, and how would you compare the two if you have used both?

Especially looking for durability and low dust attraction.

I can't advise on the two products you mention, but I am currently using Ultima Paint Guard Plus. It's another WOWA product. It couldn't be easier to use and provides a great gloss, it's really slick, and so far durability is proving to be exceptional (considering how easy and quick it is to apply). Beading dropped off slightly after about a month, but application is literally about 7 minutes for my truck. If you think protection is diminishing, it's just so darn easy to re-apply. And by my saying beading dropped off slightly, I'm not suggesting it quit working or was gone. I wash weekly and see some intense weather. I've no doubt my truck would have been protected for another couple of months. But the UPGP is so fun to apply, I find myself using it often. So longevity isn't really a concern. Also, I use so little with each application-- so little that I barely even notice the level drop in the bottle. Like maybe a quarter ounce each time?? Hard to say.

It's also awesome on glass. Makes glass super slick and easy to clean. I wouldn't advise windshield use due to wiper chatter (ask me how I know), but on side and rear glass it's great. Ok- I'll tell you. I put it on my windshield and couldn't for the life of me get it off. After a month and every cleaning product I own, I couldn't even touch the stuff. It was on there THAT good. Finally, after about 4 applications of Duragloss Nu-glass, I think I have it beat.

Long story short-- it's an awesome product. For a daily driver (especially large SUV's) and those that may not want to put a lot of time into their vehicles but still want great protection, this stuff is hard to beat.

Regarding dust-- no need to worry.
Pretty similar. Wolfgang has a colored tint and has a fragrance. Opti-Seal is colorless and odor-less. IMHO just buy Opti-Seal and save a few bucks. It'll attract dust immediately after application as you'll feel the static build up as you buff of any high spots. After the first wash though it'll be fine.
I've used Opti-Seal and BF Crystal Seal. I find BFCS easier to apply. Opti-Seal left more high spot streaks for me than BFCS. The few BFCS high spots I get are easily wiped away with a MF, while the OS high spots took a bit more wiping.
I get about 5-6 usages per oz.