Winter is Coming! - What do you guys use for a snow brush?


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Aug 29, 2015
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Hi guys, I know it's a little early, but winter will be here soon. Obviously the nylon bristle snow brushes will most definitely marr the paint on my car. They do sell foam brushes but I'm not sure if that will marr the paint either. What have you guys used in the past to brush off the snow from your car? I want to minimize any potential scratching while removing the snow. Thanks
I never go down to the paint. I only brush off the top part and leave a coating. No need to brush it all off down to paint.
I don't use a brush on anything but the windshield. Then again our winter place has a heated parking garage as does my office, so snow on the car isn't a huge deal.
I clear the glass only and if at night, the headlights as well. Then, I drive to the closest coin car wash and rinse everything off so that I don't have to touch the paint at all. The thing is, you don't want to be in a situation where the snow will actually slide off the paint as that will likely scratch the paint. I don't know if this is a good thing to do but that's what I have been doing in the past to avoid scratching the paint when snow accumulates.
I have a SnoBrum that I use to clear piled snow, but not quite down to the paint. Then I use a regular snow brush/scraper on the windows.
might sound crazy but i have used my leaf blower to get snow off but i live in kentucky so we usually don't get a whole lot. It works great on wet or dry snow and it pretty fast if you have a decent blower. Tip: Make sure you aren't downhill from the wind it seems to get a lil cold lol
might sound crazy but i have used my leaf blower to get snow off but i live in kentucky so we usually don't get a whole lot. It works great on wet or dry snow and it pretty fast if you have a decent blower. Tip: Make sure you aren't downhill from the wind it seems to get a lil cold lol

Not crazy at all. A couple inches of powdery snow can be blown off in seconds.
For Powdery stuff the blower will work, but 1 to 2 feet of the heavy wet stuff, or worse, while it's still coming down, (12-15 mph winds, heavy wet snow blowing sideways, roughly about 25 degrees out...) Yeah, good luck with that snow blower, I'll be inside the car warming up after I pushed it off with the SB :)

Ugg, my description of a typical New England storm just made me realize, winter is coming! :(

By the way, what's wrong with regular metal or plastic snow shovels? I see other people use them... LOL!
For Powdery stuff the blower will work, but 1 to 2 feet of the heavy wet stuff, or worse, while it's still coming down, (12-15 mph winds, heavy wet snow blowing sideways, roughly about 25 degrees out...) Yeah, good luck with that snow blower, I'll be inside the car warming up after I pushed it off with the SB :)

Ugg, my description of a typical New England storm just made me realize, winter is coming! :(

By the way, what's wrong with regular metal or plastic snow shovels? I see other people use them... LOL!

Totally agree, Paul.

I'm just a bit SW of you here on the eastern tip of Long Island. Powdery snow is rare.

Agree on your method. Push off with the snow broom, start the truck and full defrost mode as you run the snow blower down the driveway and walk, then............... Ahh hell. I'm depressed too. Going to custmparty's for the winter.
might sound crazy but i have used my leaf blower to get snow off but i live in kentucky so we usually don't get a whole lot. It works great on wet or dry snow and it pretty fast if you have a decent blower. Tip: Make sure you aren't downhill from the wind it seems to get a lil cold lol
Good idea.
LOL, I can't tell if that's photoshopped. That's crazy. But I do have to clear my snow off the roof especially as they were giving out tickets last year for excessive "snow on roof", typical Canadian BS. Leaf blower sounds like a good idea! Thanks everyone
"What's a snow brush?"
-all us Texans

Apparently this area I now live in for most of the time gets much more winter weather than hometown. We'll see how that goes
I use an extendable snow broom to an extent. It has a foam type padding on it. No brush on it. So I just push it off. I find it doesn't do any harm at all. I will not remove anything that gets frozen stuck to the protection/paint though, which can happen up here. I will heat the car up and let it melt off. If it is thick ice which I did have one winter where it was 2 inches of thick ice. I let the car run, and then just push off the big ice with my hand. Don't need that coming off on the highway and killing someone.

As for doing nothing and leaving snow on your car. It is actually illegal. Although I have never seen anyone get pulled over for it. Which sucks because they should. They are a danger on the road to everyone else.
I have a Sno Brum, but I also use an Oxo Twister brush that has flagged bristles. They used to sell it here, and I thought they stopped making it, but a little internet searching shows they have a new version with a telescoping handle. As others have said, it all depends where you are, how much snow, how wet, etc. Leaf blowers can be great for powdery snow but I don't carry one in the car with me.