Onr how to- tell me what you think


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Dec 11, 2006
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Optimum No Rinse- How To.

It’s either getting colder or you cannot wash your car in your driveway. What are you supposed to do? Live with a dirty car? Nope. The answer is rinsless washes. There are a few on the market; this is an explanation of how to use ONR. Much other rinse less washes are used in the same way.

What will you need: Optimum no rinse, a wash bucket, a wash medium (a mitt or microfiber cloth). Water, a drying towel and a dirty car.
Here is everything assembled, and ready to go. I have added gloves since its getting cold. Even latex gloves help keep your hands warm. They are however not needed.
[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000]A closer shot[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

Step one: Place the wash mitt in the bucket. I have chosen 1 bucket with a grit guard to make things simple. Two buckets can also be used. Fill bucket with warm water, I try to get it as hot as possible because it will just cool down in the snow.

Step Two: Add ONR to the wash bucket. The direction say to add one oz per gallon of water. How much water needed will depend on how big and dirty the car is. Today I used 2 gallons, so I added 2oz of Optimum no rinse.

Note it may give the water a slight blue tinge, it might not just depends on the bucket, water ect.
Also it’s important to note the water will not foam up like soap. If it does your bucket is dirty. (Old soap left in bucket) empty it out and start over.
Step Three: Throw on the rubber gloves, and get ready for the cold (assuming its winter) as you can see I had my gloves ready

Go to where the car is. I did mine on the street in front of my house in plain view; I was not worried as I was breaking no bylaws.
Step Four: This is where we start washing. The car is dirty, the mitt is wet, and we are ready to go. Start by picking up the mitt. You will notice it is dripping water; you may not need this much to clean the car. If it is a light dust give it a quick ring. If the car is really dirty then don’t wring it at all.

Start at the top of the car as water will drip down, we do not want to have to dry the car 10 times per spot.
You want to make sure to rub every area of the car, the knap in the mitt or cloth will pick up and trap the dirt. Do not just let the water run over the paint; make sure the mitt runs over it.
Here is a pic of me doing the roof.

I use long back and forth strokes to make sure I get every inch of the paint.
[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000]Once I have done the whole area, I flip the mitt over and do it again, this makes sure I got everything. With some practice it will become second nature.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

As you can see, half the roof is still wet; this is the area I did
[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000]We then want to dry the car. We use are drying towel as we would if we where washing the car normally, except we only dry the area we washed. If it’s important not to go over the dry area as the dirt will get stuck in the cloth and be dragged around when washing the rest of the car.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

The towel should still be clean; all dirt should have been picked up by the wash tool not the cloth. If the cloth comes out dirty you are not cleaning the area well enough.
My cloth is wet, but clean.

Continue this process throughout the whole car working from top down. You can also do the glass this way.
Step Five: We want to do the wheel wells and rims now. I save these for last as they are often the dirtiest.

Since there is more dirt and grime on these areas use more solution on your mitt. It should be dripping.

Get right in there; you may want to roll us your sleeve as its going to get dirty.
As you can see the water will get dirty, this is fine. If it gets to dirty make sure to chance it. There is no harm in changing it once or twice. You are still only using 4 gallons of water. Much less than a regular wash.

The towel has stayed clean the whole wash; it is wet but can be hung to dry.
[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000]Once you have washed the car you have the option of going to wax. You may find it easier to clean the paint next time because the wax helps protect the paint form getting dirty.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000]Thanks for reading, I hope this was a help. If you have any comments or questions please feel free to ask. Also comments, good or bad would be appreciated. The only way to get better on these is to know what I have done wrong.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Im not sure why all the pics arnt working, clicking on them should take you to them
Thanks for the write-up. I'm going to be using DP Four-In-One for the first time this weekend and reading this has been a great help.
Really enjoyed reading your write-up. I agree with HighEndDetail that many will benefit from this. The links said "page not found", but I thought that you had plenty of nice picks in with your text. Thanks for doing this.
thanks for the kind words. a good point has been brought up about a seprate nmitt for wheels, i forgot to add that....

and im glad someone can use it. I have fun doing stuff like this, its selfish but i do it for myself, if someone else can use it great.

As for the pics, if you remove the last they work. Sorry about it.
Maybe one of the mods can get it working, i sure cant.

Also if someone wants a link to the one with all the pics before its fixed just pm me

Great review and write up, this will help me out because I got DP 4-1 and ONR coming on my next order which will be here THursday. I finished up my PB RW today, that stuff works great but I am going to try no rinse methods and see how I like them. Once again thanks for the write up it will help a lot.:goodpost:
Is there a mitt in particular that works better then others for onr. I have sheepskin, so would this wear them down any faster?
I just wanted to know how come you started with a dirty mitt. I thought you always suppose to start with a clean mitt. Also how come you poured the ONR onto the mitt. Wouldn't there be less ONR in the bucket cause it all was in the mitt, so when you go to rinse it out in the rinse bucket it all goes in there.

One last thing. Where you get the bucket and the grit guard. I like how it's shape and how the grit guard won't move when you have to rub your mitt against it.
I just wanted to know how come you started with a dirty mitt. I thought you always suppose to start with a clean mitt. Also how come you poured the ONR onto the mitt. Wouldn't there be less ONR in the bucket cause it all was in the mitt, so when you go to rinse it out in the rinse bucket it all goes in there.

One last thing. Where you get the bucket and the grit guard. I like how it's shape and how the grit guard won't move when you have to rub your mitt against it.

1. the mitt was cleaned, just has some stains on it. I use it a few times a week, it just wont come clean andI dont want to use bleach.I swear its clean :D

2.I poored the onr on the mitt to show it. Its hard to show when its just inthe water since it quickly disapates, if I have pouredit right into the water you would not have seen it.

3.I got the bucket from canadian tire. Im not sure who makes it. It was a cheap bucket i needed in a crunch. I have fallen in love with it. It works well. I wish the gaurd was alittle ticker but it does its job.
thanks for the wite up, you showed all step by step details. I wash a little different when using ONR/DP 4-in-1. I spray the car with QD pre-mix (DP4-in1 or ONR), then soak Cobra detailing cloth in ONR water mix, then wash. Presoaking really helps if your car is dirty. I use the same towel fow drying. I have my grit guard insert in, and use about 2 gallons of water.

Hope this helps...:cheers:
Having a garage with a heater in it helps too:) You can wash your car in your garage! I tried DP 4-1 recently with a plush mf and it worked great!
Thanks for the write up. I used ONR for the 1st time about a week ago and was impressed with it. I found the wash mitt gets dirty compared to a regular wash. I just gotta remember to clean it prior to using it again! The next thing I need to do is mix up some ONR to use as clay lube and detail spray...just gotta figure out the proportions for the spray bottle capacity.
Nice write-up. I just used ONR this past weekend on my car and used S&W on my wifes car. I still can't decide which I like better ONR, or 4-in-1.
thanks for the wite up, you showed all step by step details. I wash a little different when using ONR/DP 4-in-1. I spray the car with QD pre-mix (DP4-in1 or ONR), then soak Cobra detailing cloth in ONR water mix, then wash. Presoaking really helps if your car is dirty. I use the same towel fow drying. I have my grit guard insert in, and use about 2 gallons of water.

Hope this helps...:cheers:
I normaly spray downa car that has more dirt, however my car had a ligh dust from sitting outsite for a day. Also this was kind of a begginers guide. Dont want to tget to complcated to early :D

Having a garage with a heater in it helps too:) You can wash your car in your garage! I tried DP 4-1 recently with a plush mf and it worked great!
yes a heated garage helps. Mines beccoming one but isnt there yet so stil stuck washing in the cold
Thanks for the write up. I used ONR for the 1st time about a week ago and was impressed with it. I found the wash mitt gets dirty compared to a regular wash. I just gotta remember to clean it prior to using it again! The next thing I need to do is mix up some ONR to use as clay lube and detail spray...just gotta figure out the proportions for the spray bottle capacity.
the mitt does get dirty, if its a white mitt like mine it will stain. I have washed mine a few times and it still looks dirty...ohh well its clean.
I use onr as a clay lube also. It works awsome. I clean an empty gallon jug and use that. The directios say how to mix 1 gallon, so it easy enough to mix 1 gallon. no numbers, i see enough of those at school :cheers:. I leave the jug of mixed stuff with my other products, when i needmore lube i just go to that bottle.
nice review calgarydetail..if you like the wash you'll love it as a QDer..
Have you tried some APC on it and threw it in the washing machine ???
nope, i have just washed it with tide. I dont care if its not white. It is clean, does a good job, does not marr. It ha some wear and tear but still does its job.
No real need to make it white again
Have you ever considered using Eagle1 WAYD when you dry?