What is the finest cleaner/wax for black vehicles?


New member
Apr 19, 2010
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I haven't found a cleaner/wax that looks good with black GM vehicles on any style of buffer. I use Meguiars PRC a lot with lighter colors, as it really pops with the rotary and you can't see holograms unless it's a fairly dark color.

I've used D301 with the MF finishing pad and it looks like crap- pretty hazy. I'm not into using a DA for the last step with black GM because of the micro-marring that always ensues.

I love Menzerna 4500 with an LC blue finessing pad on a rotary for the highest gloss possible. If I had something close to that fine that also has a wax in it, that's kind of what I would like.

I've been using Essence as a last step on some of these jobs, but it sucks to wipe off and very expensive. The gloss isn't quite to the level of 4500, but owners are thrilled with the results.

Best case would be something that's strong enough to at least remove D300 haze- but a lot of the time I need to do M105 and wool to get rid of a lot of the heavier defects. M205 and Rupes has been a nice intermediate step, but time is money. In my area, it's very difficult to get high end work. People simply won't pay for it.
If PRC is a no-go for black vehicles...
Have you considered Meguiar's M66?

I have been using Blackfire Total Polish and Seal on my Black car as a cleaner wax.... very happy with it !!
Not sure if you can get this in the USA, but Bilt Hamber Hydra Wax or Micro fine are excellent.