Old adhesive removal


New member
Jun 15, 2006
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Ok so the truck I just bought has Vent Visors on it and I really don't like that look so I sawed one off with some dental floss and now I have the adhesive leftover that has apparently been on the truck for years. Any quick and painless way to get it off?
I have had the same problem. Unfortunately it required at least three applications over a period of days to get it completed. I went to the parts store and purchased a can of spray adhesive remover then used a MF towels and my fingernail and worked it off. After all the glue was removed I simply used a polish to get what film remained, using my PC and polishing pad.
So something like the 3M adhesive remover should work with time then?? I read somewhere that they also make some kind of eraser wheel that you can put on a drill that is used for adhesive and pinstripe removal, anybody know about it???
WD 40 done spray right on the area let sit for a minute wipe off it may take a Little elbow grease not much. I had that problem with a black f 250.
Let Goo-Gone Automotive soak on the old adhesive. It will take a few applications, but the longer it sits, the more it softens the adhesive. After a while, it will wipe off fairly easy with a microfiber. It just takes patience.
They definitely have a wheel eraser you can buy from an auto paint store that will remove the problem. then just polish and wax the area. I debadged my truck of a bunch of emblems, it's better than blistering your thumbs.:D
Julian, thats what I am looking for do you know what it cost and if it is available online?
Do a search for "3M Pinstripe Eraser". It's available online at lots of sites and you can probably buy it locally at any auto body supply store. Please note - I did not post links because I don't want to violate AutoGeek's rules (they're nice enough to provide us with this free forum).
+1 for WD-40 Spray it on let it sit 4-5 minutes and wipe clean with a MF and a lil thumb power (not much). I just did mine 3 days ago.
Oops works really well. I had a customer that wanted all of his emblems removed, and after removing Oops took the adhesive right off.