Just got in my Autogeek order today but have some questions.


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Jan 1, 2017
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So I ordered right before new year and got my order today.

I was running low on most my waxes, polishes, etc. Ive always used pinnacle products but hear some good things about Poorboys and you can't beat the cost, so figured I would try.

I ended up ordering SSR 2.5, SSR1, Poor boys Black Hole and Poor boys EX-P sealer.

Now comes for the questions not really regarding detailing with it at all, but didn't know where to ask.

I live in Iowa, its been bitter cold up here for the past couple weeks now and needless to say when I opened the box I knew right away the disaster I was about to find, the smell of grapes and product came pouring out at me.

Come to find out the Black hole and EX-P had frozen solid and the black hole actually exploded from the cap. Most of the product was caught and absorbed in the paper packing but needless to say a good amount of product is out of the container.

The EX-P is basically a block of ice and bulged the container out but didn't explode, however it did separate as I can see in the bottle.

My question is, after these products have froze like this will they still even be good anymore?

I will be contacting customer service tomorrow regarding them to see if I can get more sent out as the black hole is about 1/8-1/4 gone and out of the bottle.

AG has great customer service, give them a call and let them know what happened and I'm sure they'll get you squared away!
Yep they've always been great I have no doubt they will help out! Im just wondering more about once the EX-P thaws if its still good or will cause problems. I know with the old pinnacle stuff I accidentally left it in the cold and it semi froze and was just never the same after that.
I've had great service from AG when it comes to returns. The last time I had an issue, my Rupes pads were crushed by a few gallons of products. AG replaced the pads without so much as a wink.

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Hard to say about the sealants. I ordered some Menzerna polishes, and the Megs microfiber system this time of year - two years ago, and everything was fine after it thawed out.
My question is, after these products have froze like this will they still even be good anymore?

This has happened in the past and will happen in the future as we can't control the weather. Well at least "we" here at Autogeek, the shipping companies and people in general cannot control the weather.

As for your question about will the products be any good?

From experience, here's what you do. After the products thaw and return to normal room temperature, shake them up really well. If they return to a uniform consistency, that is they are not coagulated or runny like water, (unless the product is supposed to be runny like water), then they are probably okay to use. If not then the freezing of the product modified the ingredients in a way that cannot be undone.

I will be contacting customer service tomorrow regarding them to see if I can get more sent out as the black hole is about 1/8-1/4 gone and out of the bottle.

Contact Customer Service at


And cite this thread and they should be able to help you.

Yep they got me taken care of Thanks Mike. As far as I can tell they products returned to normal, Im waiting till this next week to use them when it gets a little warmer. My garage is heated but I still would like it to be a little warmer outside to actually wash the car and get the debris off pre correction.