What would you use to polish this plastic?


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2015
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Looking at this plastic piece on the grill and it sure is ugly... Not sure what they were thinking but it just looks sort of cheap and took a dive rather quik.



What do you think would work best to polish it up?

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Without seeing/feeling the material in person its hard to say but first thing I would do is clean it thoroughly with an apc or dedicated trim cleaner.......to me doesn't look like has a clear coated finish so I don't think it would polish out.....
Without seeing/feeling the material in person its hard to say but first thing I would do is clean it thoroughly with an apc or dedicated trim cleaner.......to me doesn't look like has a clear coated finish so I don't think it would polish out.....

Yea it doesn't seem to be clearcoated, just thin hard plastic. I'll try a light polish 1st, but if that doesn't work maybe I'll treat it like I would a headlight?

It would be cool if I had some of the spray coating left that came in this pack. I'm thinking it might work.


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I'd say go ahead and use any paint polish you have on hand, then wax, seal, etc whatever you choose.

I figure nothing you can do will make them look any worse than they already do.

Plastic, it's what IMO the sole product that has basically turned all more modern vehicles into utter crap. Only benefit I see, plastic doesn't rust.
I'd say go ahead and use any paint polish you have on hand, then wax, seal, etc whatever you choose.

I figure nothing you can do will make them look any worse than they already do.

Plastic, it's what IMO the sole product that has basically turned all more modern vehicles into utter crap. Only benefit I see, plastic doesn't rust.

Yea I have some M205 ready to go... Unfortunately my customer's 30min. late and I might be splitting soon. Lol

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Car was rescheduled 1st thing tomorrow morning. I'll update the results.

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I've used Ultimate Polish with good results, but gently, gently with cotton cloth like a T-shirt.
My plan is M205 on a white LC Thinpro, if that doesn't cut it, Griots FCC on an Orange Thinpro. 3.5" speed 4.5

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I'm also bringing my large throw polisher along to do a test spot on this paint for the 1st time with Essence and a Gloss Pad.


Best case scenario, Essence lives up to the hype and fills... Because I'm not interested in cutting with it on that vehicle.

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If only you had essence plus which only fills. Let's see how essence works out.
If only you had essence plus which only fills. Let's see how essence works out.

I'll have to look into the product info again. Initially what I got was that it was intended for polishing/filling on top of coatings and I pretty much tuned out. Lol.

I believe I saw a post where you did a test spot on some red paint? It didn't quite fill 100% on that test spot?

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I'll have to look into the product info again. Initially what I got was that it was intended for polishing/filling on top of coatings and I pretty much tuned out. Lol.

I believe I saw a post where you did a test spot on some red paint? It didn't quite fill 100% on that test spot?

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Correct. It is not going to fill in deep defects. The light to moderate stuff it will. I used it over a coating but it should work just fine over bare paint. I have seen a photo and some information from Zack McGovern about Reload also filling some. Found it. It was in my review thread over on autopia lol.

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Perhaps essence with reload would provide enough filling. Plus essence is not the best beading product. Curious to see what you go with.
Update: I used M205 like I had planned, and it went from this...



After 1 pass w/M205:


Not bad, but I figured it could only get better, so I put a couple pea sized drops of Griots FCC on the same pad, gave it another shot and voila.


I got off to a much later start than I had planned, so the sun came out and started beating on me and the black paint and I called it quits on the Essence test spot until next time.

But after off and on rain for the past 10 days or so...


...The car looks pretty darn great again, if I must say so myself.


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