Can I add Black Light over HD Speed?


New member
Nov 14, 2011
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Or won't it stick? I have a pile of it I want use up.
LOL, thanks! I have to go over it with Dr. Color Chip so I'll be removing the HD Speed sealant in those areas and then I figured I'd use the Black Light. That HD speed is pretty good stuff. I'd upload some pictures but I can't figure it out.
LOL, thanks! I have to go over it with Dr. Color Chip so I'll be removing the HD Speed sealant in those areas and then I figured I'd use the Black Light. That HD speed is pretty good stuff. I'd upload some pictures but I can't figure it out.

You may remove the rest of the Speed as well, I'm pretty sure, not positive, Blacklight has some abrasives in it. I really like the look of Blacklight.
I use a grey pad to apply the black light but I want to get the chips filled first. There's not a lot of them. I'm very OCD. VERY.
Why would you want add blacklight over Speed? To me that makes no sense. if you need to add blacklight over speed, you're not appling Speed correctly.
Because I have to strip the speed in certain areas to fix chips with Dr. Color Chip. Plus I don't know how long the Speed will last.
Speed will outlast blacklight any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. Blacklight is for a short visual appeal, nothing else. You'd also be counterproductive and wasting your time.
Thank you! I'll just reapply the Speed to the stripped areas. It made my car look awesome! If I knew how to upload photos I'd show you.
Just strip the area you're gonna colorchip. Wait until it cures, then Speed.... If you're gonna top anything on Speed, I'd use Poxy.
No. Glaze then wax or sealant. Black Light is a gloss enhancer or what I consider a glaze.
I will reapply Speed to the stripped areas then use Lava. I want to use up the stuff I have before I buy anything new.
I will reapply Speed to the stripped areas
then use Lava.

I want to use up the stuff I have
before I buy anything new.
What happened to you wanting to
use up your pile of BL?

Re: Can I add Black Light over HD Speed?

Or won't it stick?
I have a pile of it I want use up.

{HARRUMPH...forget about what
I posted beforehand...LOL!}

This stuff is awesome. My car has never looked better.
Blacklight is a great product. Like I said a couple posts above, it's a gloss enhancer. And that it does well!
What happened to you wanting to
use up your pile of BL?

{HARRUMPH...forget about what
I posted beforehand...LOL!}


I was told not to use BL. I have a full container of Lava, which I'm not a fan of because it's a pain in the butt to remove but I feel obligated to use it up. That crap cost me $60. Looks good when its done, though.
See above in thread. Said it's not as good as Speed for protection and that it won't last as long.
They are two totally different products and each have their purpose depending on the goal. You can use each as you please. IMO, the two products have no need to be used in conjunction.