CQuartz UK topped with Reload, PLEASE advise me on future maintenance


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Aug 1, 2014
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So I'm not new to detailing, but not an expert either. I consider myself intermediate.

This weekend I polished and coated my 911 with CQuartz UK, also coated my windows with FlyBy Forte. I topped the CQuartz with reload. This was my first time coating ANYTHING. I have tons of experience with sealants and waxes and always enjoyed the process. I decided to coat my Porsche, because I've come to the conclusion that I would rather spend more time driving than detailing. :coolgleam:

Here is my maintenance plan, please let me know your opinions please

- 1 car wash per week (minimum, sometimes two - this is routine for me)
- Every second wash or once every two weeks wash with HydroFoam, Spray Hydro2 and rinse off.
- Once every 6 months... Reset Wash, followed with Iron-X and rinse. Then reset wash with nano skin. Hydro2 and Rinse and top with reload (wet)

The goal is for the car to maintain it's coating for the next 4 years the easiest possible way while maintaining the glamour of a fresh coating w/ reload. All done through car washing and drying basically. I'm not saying I wont top the car with the occasional wax - be pointless or not - it would be done for my personal enjoyment. My idea with such a regime is to maintain the protection to its max, prolong the coating and minimal effort.

Why HydroFoam and then Hydro2? Well, just like with anything, it is always recommended to do 2 coats, in my experience, to assure complete coverage. I'm washing the car anyway, so why not do a HydroFoam, but in the interest of saving a buck, use it only once every other week or so (I guess it's my way of justifying overkill :doh:)

Here is where I need help:
1. Reset will NOT affect my coating, correct? Meaning it won't damage it in any way?
2. Iron-X, after Reset - how will it affect coating? It's some pretty strong stuff - find it hard to believe it wont affect the coating. Will it?
3. Okay to use nano skin on coating? With reset?
4. Iron-X Snow Soap, I have ZERO experience with this. Should I combine Decon and Wash into one and save me a step? Nano skin?

My FlyBy Forte questions:
1. Tips to maintain?
2. Glass Cleaner okay?
3. Should I top it with reload like the CQuartz UK?
4. Top it with Reload every 6 months or maybe 3? It's a windshield after all. Keep in mind it'll receive HydroFoam and Hydro2 on regular basis just like the rest of the car.

Thanks in advance everyone!!! :dblthumb2:
I will do my best to answer your questions.

So I'm not new to detailing, but not an expert either. I consider myself intermediate.

Here is where I need help:
1. Reset will NOT affect my coating, correct? Meaning it won't damage it in any way?
2. Iron-X, after Reset - how will it affect coating? It's some pretty strong stuff - find it hard to believe it wont affect the coating. Will it?
3. Okay to use nano skin on coating? With reset?
4. Iron-X Snow Soap, I have ZERO experience with this. Should I combine Decon and Wash into one and save me a step? Nano skin?

1. Reset will not remove the coating.
2. Pulled straight from CarPro

Will Iron X remove wax from car paint?

Yes, if it’s a highly organic oil type it will affect the wax properties. If it’s a synthetic polymer sealant it won’t affect it much. On Cquartz or other inorganic coatings it won’t affect them at all. In fact it is even recommended for use on them.

3. I am going to say no about the nanoskin but double check with Corey at carpro. Instead CarPro recommends a decon wash. From their site for regular cquartz but the same can be done with UK.


Reload may be applied one hour (in cold) or 40 minutes (in hot) after CQuartz is wiped off
Wash with Reset regularly
Treat with Iron X every 3-12 months
Treat with Reload or Hydrofoam as you wish

4. If you have a foam cannon then you can add this into your wash regiment. It didn't work that well in a foam gun when I used it. Need to experiment a little more with dilutions. But you can add it into your wash regiment if you like.

My FlyBy Forte questions:
1. Tips to maintain?
2. Glass Cleaner okay?
3. Should I top it with reload like the CQuartz UK?
4. Top it with Reload every 6 months or maybe 3? It's a windshield after all. Keep in mind it'll receive HydroFoam and Hydro2 on regular basis just like the rest of the car.

Thanks in advance everyone!!! :dblthumb2:

Hopefully someone chimes in to answer your questions on flyby forte. I have not used it. But glass cleaner is ok.
Thanks for making this thread, wanted to ask the same question for a long time))

One additional question, a little bit off topic- can you do ONR or waterless wash on a cquartz coated car without damaging the coating?
ONR doesn't harm the coating at all. Doesn't seem to add or detract to the performance markedly either.
Personally I have switched to echo2 for waterless and detailing spray on my coated car...
Use the ONR, sealants and waxes in the wife's..

To the OP, to simplify, I'd wash and used hydro2 all over (save screen) and blow dry, using echo2 as a drying aid for any pots left (not many after hydro 2). Every month I'd do a ironx, reeset
And reload ... Done...
Thanks for making this thread, wanted to ask the same question for a long time))

One additional question, a little bit off topic- can you do ONR or waterless wash on a cquartz coated car without damaging the coating?

Of course you can use it on coated paint.