SONAX CC36 Ceramic Coating


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Aug 8, 2012
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I just found out about SONAX CC36 Ceramic Coating - SONAX CC36 Ceramic Coating

I'm curious as to how it compares to Cquartz UK? The sonax stuff apparently lasts 1 year & the Cquartz is 1-2 years depending on environment. But which is better? Cquartz has some scratch resistance does sonax have this?

The product has only been on the market for a couple months, so there really hasn't been any time for an endurance test by anyone.

After a lot of searching, I only found one review at another site and the follow up's haven't been posted yet. At this point there is very little information available beyond a thread here in which a Sonax rep participated for a few posts.
Oh ok thanks,

I thought the product had been out for longer and I just missed it.

Thank you.

The product has only been on the market for a couple months, so there really hasn't been any time for an endurance test by anyone.

After a lot of searching, I only found one review at another site and the follow up's haven't been posted yet. At this point there is very little information available beyond a thread here in which a Sonax rep participated for a few posts.
Announced in November'16 and available in Feb'17. Still too early to tell one way or the other. My personal belief is this is a v1.0 product given the durability statement of up to 1 year. Not necessarily bad but why coat just for 1 year when other competing products state >=2x.....
Check out the 11 min mark in this video for a little more info on CC36.

I read they want you to refresh at 6 months with Polymer Net Shield...why bother with the coating if that is the case? PNS will go 6 months all by itself.
I read they want you to refresh at 6 months with Polymer Net Shield...why bother with the coating if that is the case? PNS will go 6 months all by itself.

I totally agree Kris!!!
If you watch the video at listen to Jason, he says it is completely optional to top every 6 months with PNS. He goes on to say it was developed for the professional in mind and that it will go up to 1 year without a refresh. Around the 13:25 min mark of the video I posted.

In the end it is a 1 year coating.

I have some in my possession thanks to Meghan so hopefully I get to try it out in a couple weeks.
If you watch the video at listen to Jason, he says it is completely optional to top every 6 months with PNS.

He also says that the CC36 in the title means it'll last 36 months/3yrs. if PNS is re applied every 6 months.. So you can either have a 1 year coating or 3yr. coating? Either ways what does it all add up to? Simply beading? Or real protection from contaminants bonding to it or your paint?

And if you need to boost it with PNS @6months, how good does the coating project to look at that point where a booster is needed in order to make or break it as 1yr. or a possible 3yr. coating?
CQuartz says the beading/sheeting drops off after about 6 months and recommends regular applications of Reload and I suspect most other brands make similar suggestions... I think the idea of maintenance products to keep max performance is nothing unique to Sonax here. Most of the consumer coatings available these days also state a 12-18 month expected life, and only premium products like Gtechniq or Kamikaze claim significantly more, but at a very significant premium. Even then they claim you need top-up products like C2 or Over Coat to keep it at the best performance levels.

They obviously want/need to differentiate between consumer and professional products and product life expectancy is clearly the main way to do that. Selling additional 'maintenance' products is also a bonus and I suspect that using coating technology claims helps 'lock' people into a brand for all the maintenance - why use anything other than XYZ shampoo to maintain the XYZ coating, and of course their QD/spray sealant is also going to work 'better' etc.......