Question on LC Flat pads


Active member
Mar 3, 2013
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So I'm still using the basic LC flat pads. I have orange, white, blue and black. Basically I use Poorboys SSR1 and SSR2 and maybe their Master Cut. Normally it's the SSR1 or SSR2.

What I'm wondering is, would it be better to use the white pad and SSR2 and let the polish do the work and break down? Or should I use the orange and go with a lighter polish like SSR1.

I know the SSR lineup is a diminishing compound and their more aggressive line breaks down to a Polish, then i can just throw an LSP on and I'm down.

Basically should I just use a white pad and let the polish do the work. Thus hopefully not introducing any pad marring? I know there are times where I would need an orange but generally speaking .
This probably isn't the concrete answer you're looking for, but...what does your test spot show?

I'd test out a few of your polish/pad combo's and see which gives you the results you're after. There are a lot of variables at play.

On hard, well maintained, black VW paint I pair Blackfire's SRC Compound with a white pad and it works great as a 1 step. Likewise, I can use the milder SRC polish on an orange pad, but it doesn't work quite a quickly. Results are identical to my eye. On other types of paint this might not be the case.
I always figured it was usually best to let the polish do the polishing more than the pad unless you are really after cutting and know you will be doing a second step. The polishes will finish to a certain level and a too aggressive pad for the situation may interfere with the finishing.