Paint dull behind wheels. Clear coat gone?


New member
Jun 1, 2014
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Title suppose to say dull

So after a long winter I hand washed my truck and noticed that the paint behind the wheels front and back look as of they were sand blasted. This is not surprise to me considering the drive to work I have and the use of sand where salt is not allowed. Stupid me didn't wanna use mud/splash guards and now I'm paying for it. Today I bit the bullet and installed old man mud guards LOL .

Moving forward can I correct this ? The best way to describe it is it feels dry to the touch. Not slick at all and looks really dull with very little shine of any.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I also plan on finally getting a polisher TORQ 501 kit from chemical guys if that will help with this project


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Re: Paint full behind wheels. Clear coat gone?

Have the wheels been refinished? I've seen it countless times where repair techs pay zero attention to the barrels and cause all sorts of overspray issues that would cause a dry, rough feeling like you're describing. Some factory finished rims even have this problem. You could always try a thorough cleaning, clay, and polish to see if it restores a smooth surface.

Pics would help to better diagnose the issue.
Title suppose to say dull

I fixed it for you. :)

So after a long winter I hand washed my truck and noticed that the paint behind the wheels front and back look as of they were sand blasted.

Just to clarify - you mean the paint on the bottom side of the fenders behind the wheel, the lower quarter panels which would be sprayed by road debris from the rotation of your tires?

Moving forward can I correct this ? The best way to describe it is it feels dry to the touch. Not slick at all and looks really dull with very little shine of any.

As long as there's still some clear paint left over the basecoat layer of paint you should be able to restore the gloss and shine by polishing. Perhaps you may need to compound and polish but test first.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I also plan on finally getting a polisher TORQ 501 kit from chemical guys if that will help with this project


Unless your heart is bent on getting the TORQ polisher I'd recommend taking a look at the Griot's 6" DA polisher.

Nothing against the TORQ, the Griot's shape and power make the tool very functional and effective for machine polishing paint.

Thanks for the replies! I should have specified it's the rocker panels and lower fender I suppose that are the affected area. I'll try and get a pic today.

I will look into the griots 6" today! I'm just a huge fan of chemical guys and they could probably sell me a sprinkled turd of they said it did something cool LOL. They used to use the porter cable and now they use these torq machines so I assumed they were the cats meow

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It's hard to see it but it's faded nonetheless.

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