Isolated defect pricing


New member
Nov 9, 2015
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I'm curious to know how/how much you guys charge for single defect correction.

Example: Say a gal came into the shop with a year old Honda Pilot with a 3" long scratch on the middle of the door. She wants it fixed or improved. She doesn't want any other work done.

Do you just look at it and know that it'll take you X minutes so you charge X dollars?
And do you change that dollar amount if it's 3" vs 6" long?
Or do you have set prices? (ex. RIDS are all $40. or $60. Or other?)

What if someone comes in and has 7 little defects scattered around the vehicle (acquired over a few years) and now he wants them corrected (or improved) but he doesn't want a top to bottom detail?

No need to answer those exact questions. You can just kinda discuss how you handle these jobs in general. Thanks!
Well in order to do an Autogeek quality job on multiple scuffs/scratches all over the car WITHOUT full correction would be difficult. I would think by the time you wash the whole car then attack each individual scuff you may as well have just polished the whole thing with a one step to make it a little better. A single scuff I MAY do that for someone that I was already washing their car that wouldnt take as much time to prep one panel vs 6 or 7 from the previous example.

Short answer - 6 or 7 scuffs = Full correction for me (at least a one step)
One scuff or scratch I would do after a wash and just prep that panel. BUT they are going to have one nicer panel than the rest of the car!!
•I'd explain the following scenarios
to the Customers that only want
isolated, or just a few, scratch(es)

-Since...All scratches are not created equally;
Then...All scratches can not be repaired equa££y.

-if the fingernail catches the scratch...

-thinness of OEM paint systems

-uniform material removal...

-paint/body-shop estimates
vs. your hourly rate...

These talking points (and perhaps a
demo of your madd polishing skillz)
should be enough to break-the-ice.

$100 per hour. One hour minimum. Not all defects can be removed safely but they'll likely be a lot less noticeable. One hour minimum means if it takes 1.5 hours, the price rounds up to the next one hour period. I'd likely be able to squeeze a quick one step in, in addition to a few spot repairs in a 2 hour period if the car has been cared for. If the car is an absolute mess then it takes an absolute correction. I explain that I do reconditioning (recon) work which addresses a specific problem the client has. As a provider of a professional grade service, there is a need for professional grade compensation.
I have to add, through the hardships of striving to run a profitable business, the AGO OCD bug that I was once infected with has long ago been smashed. I speak in terms of non obsessive profitability.
OMG! Its Dave. Long time no see man! Good to hear from you again. Ill be a passenger this year on my trip to Carlisle so I wont be able to stop by. Hope you are doing well and the boys are still nuts!

Yes sir. Good to hear from you too indeed. Enjoy your trip to Carlisle. The boys are doing great!!! Hope all is well with you and your daughter too!!
The better we get at this, the easier it is to please a client with no eye for the fine defects.
I basically explain to them that each scratch has to be blended in so the whole panel the scratch is on has to be polished. If he doesn't care about looks, I'll do half the panel so he gets a nice 50/50 in case he reconsiders it. If it's a previous customer with a car in good shape, I'd charge an hour labour basically per scratch. Unless it's too deep of a scratch in which case they can provide touch up paint. I'll explain to them the touch up paint repair require curing, wet sanding and buffing to make it look decent. If that's not good enough, I can suggest to them a few other detailers. I won't have my name on not properly done work. I don't mind if they just want a wash and wax, not every job is a three day paint correction and coating. But I won't do shoddy work, it costs what it costs sometimes in life. If they don't want me to do it properly, then I can suggest some people that will do a crap job for a few bucks. When they decide later on they want it properly fixed, they can come back. If they don't care about their car looking that shoddy, then I don't want them as customers anyway.