BP Touchless Auto Wash.....


New member
Sep 5, 2007
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I had applied Duragloss 501 back in October and since then applied Aqua Wax twice once while drying and about three weeks ago mixed with 521 and 751.

To my horror this evening I came home to a very clean auto that should have had some grime and dirt/salt from yesterdays snowfall here in Chicago. Turns out the vehilcle was taken through the Touchless wash at the BP station. While the vehicle is somewhat clean I'm wondering if the Duragloss might possibly still be providing some protection or was it more than likely stripped with that funky purple soap they use?

With the next outlook for 32+ weather further than 7 days out I'd hope that the outlook on the protection is good....
Spray it with a squirt bottle and if the water beads up, you're good to go. Then just wipe the water off with a microfiber.
we once did a test of these no touch wash systems. Get a white glove, the run thru the car wash, and finally wipe the finish. It does nothing more than wisk away any surface dust.
Who will be getting beat for taking the car through a car wash?
we once did a test of these no touch wash systems. Get a white glove, the run thru the car wash, and finally wipe the finish. It does nothing more than wisk away any surface dust.

That's interesting. The one's around here use some pretty harsh soaps to "get the dirt off". They would make short work of any LSP that wasn't pretty durable. YMMV
No beatings..., this time just more work for me in the cold. :buffing: Oh well, I've been wanting to try some new products. Thanks for the answers Looks like this might end up being a positive :applause:
we once did a test of these no touch wash systems. Get a white glove, the run thru the car wash, and finally wipe the finish. It does nothing more than wisk away any surface dust.

That's the same thing that I've noted when I run through them. But it's real easy for me to tell and I don't even need the white glove test. All one needs to do is run through there with a moderately dirty vehicle (i.e. more than just surface dust) and you can still see the dirt on the vehicle after the wash.

There needs to be some sort of contact with a cloth of some sort to actually remove the real dirt on a vehicle, like going through a regular car wash or a handwash etc in my opinion and that's what I've found out for the past 10 years or more. I find those touchless spray washes to be a waste of money unless you just need to get some surface dust off, which might also be accomplished by running down the highway for me.

For me, I can figure if the dirt was applied with any form of water (i.e. mud, rain etc) then it's going to take an actual cloth running across the vehicle to remove it. The touchless can get some of the "surface" dirt off of it but the real grime is left behind when using those touchless drive through car washes.