Clean Rupes White pads and Dust


New member
Mar 4, 2015
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Broke out the polisher this morning to knock out a spot on the car.

Took my "washed and clean" white pad, added 3 dime sized polish and when I turned on the polisher---dust flew out the
pads big big time!!! And it got all over the car! What the heck???

Had those pads soaking in a bucket of McKee's polishing pad rejuvenator the last time I used them. I also sprayed them down with McKee's polishing pad cleaner and washed them by hand in the sink. Found out that all of my white pads are like that!!!

What gives??? Really spent a lot time washing those out by hand!

The last material used was Speed AIO.

Took the air gun to all the pads and blew all the dust out. They are currently soaking in McKee's pad rejuvenator.
This time will throw them in the washing machine. I hope this will do the trick.

Did I do something wrong? Really thought I had them cleaned and by hand too!

Can I wash pads using towel Kleen that I use for microfiber towels?

Diamond and UHS don't like to clean out of pads.
Most likely the left over AIO that was in the pad that was not cleaned out.

Be sure to rinse them out really well after soaking in the pad rejuvenator. It does dust if not rinsed out really well.
Thanks for chiming in.

It was the AIO. Speed was the last product I used. Thought I really did a deep clean---took me long time too! But obviously not!

Yeah...that was a shock to see all that dust fly! Went everywhere on car. Worst than polish splatter---grin.

My brain is broken today....

I saw Speed and thought Diamond...