Need help choosing pad and polish


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Jul 14, 2007
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When I got my car the dealer had put some scratches in it, and I might have added some myself when I first got it using a cheap wash mitt and cheap mf's. I have polished it twice and they never came out so this time I am determined.

I am using edge pads (I have some lc's but no backing plates). I first started with SSR1 and the edge blue pad, did nothing, so i stepped up to ssr2 with the same pad. Still nothing. Grabbed the green pad and back to ssr1, they faded slightly but not quite to my liking. I didn't quite want to do ssr2 with the green pad, so I grabbed my megs deep crystal polish and but it on the green pad. That was a big mistake, that stuff doesn't apply very well by machine and I started seeing some buffer trails. I decided to give green + ssr2 a shot and it finally removed the scratches but buffer trail is very apparent now. I though no problem, chase it up with blue and ssr1, but it did not help. So now, I am not really sure how to attack it.

First, when going to something more abrasive, do you step up the pad or polish first? Second, if the first application of green + ssr1 doesn't cut it, would a second application be better than going with ssr2? And finally, if I do the whole car with green + ssr2 what would be good to get rid of the buffer marks it is leaving behind?

I tried to take some pictures, but the car is so clean I cannot focus on the swirls or trails because the metallic flake pops out too much. The swirls did not look that deep so green + ssr2 seemed a little extensive, but I want to do whatever it takes to finally make the car perfect.

Thanks in advance.
I like the cantalope colored Edge pad with Menzerna 106FF.
I tried something totally different, the other day, and loved the results. I had recently purchased the 5.5 & 4" orange pad package and decided to use the 4" pad and Optimun compound to try to remove some waterspotting on a Jeep. I could not believe how fast the combination removed the spots. Could it have been the extra rpms due to the smaller diameter pad?
I don't have Opt or Menz. Just SSR1, SSR2, Megs DC, 360.

Which is more abrasive? SSR1 on a green pad, or SSR2 on a blue pad. Need help with what I have not preferences for products I do not already have or cannot buy locally.

I've tried quite a few things, and if I can't get the car looking good this time, the pc is going in the trash. I won't be buying a UDM or Flex to replace it either. The scratches are so minute, I am the only one that can see them, and only in the right lighting but they are just so stubborn.
I don't have Opt or Menz. Just SSR1, SSR2, Megs DC, 360.

Which is more abrasive? SSR1 on a green pad, or SSR2 on a blue pad. Need help with what I have not preferences for products I do not already have or cannot buy locally.

I've tried quite a few things, and if I can't get the car looking good this time, the pc is going in the trash. I won't be buying a UDM or Flex to replace it either. The scratches are so minute, I am the only one that can see them, and only in the right lighting but they are just so stubborn.
Why not change polish, dumping your pc will not solve the problem.
I understand your wanting to purchase things locally but sometimes that isnt possible. When I first detailed the Mark VII, there was severe waterspots everywhere. I tried every polish that could be bought locally and was never satisfied with the results. I finally ordered some polish and pads.....walla....problem solved. If I had placed the orderwhen I first started, I would have saved myselfa lot of time, money and aggrivation. Take your time....research the products will be glad you did.
I understand your wanting to purchase things locally but sometimes that isnt possible. When I first detailed the Mark VII, there was severe waterspots everywhere. I tried every polish that could be bought locally and was never satisfied with the results. I finally ordered some polish and pads.....walla....problem solved. If I had placed the orderwhen I first started, I would have saved myselfa lot of time, money and aggrivation. Take your time....research the products will be glad you did.
:whs:and get a backing plate for your lc pads, that may also be your problem.
He brings up a really good question. What is more aggressive in the combo of the pads and products that he has. I wish I could answer his question of "which is more abrasive? SSR1 on a green pad, or SSR2 on a blue pad."

You might want to send Steve at Poorboy's World an email and ask him.






The problem isn't doing research or buying locally. Depending which forum you are on different polishes are always recommended. You can research for years and never get an answer to what is best on what car and when. I've done a lot of research and I either have or have gone through lots of products. Menz and Opti are what is popular this week, next week it will change and PB's is highly recommended on the AG site as well as any other detailing site/guide/forum. According to Polish Chart SSR2 is right there with Menz IP and much higher than Opti. I have 2 AG orders in the mail right now, so buying locally or online is not a problem, but I wanted to do all of the polishing this weekend. I planned to have my second coat of WG DGPS on there by now. I asked for help with what I have and what I can use now, not what I can put in my next order and use next month. I'm finished buying polishes because and that can remove even the slightest of scratches. This is my 3rd attempt to remove these swirls, the same products and pads worked on other cars just fine with even more damage. Dumping more money and aggrivation won't fix my problem either, so dumping the pc seems logical. This time I was determined, I spent 18 hours this weekend washing, claying, cleaning and polishing. Tried 5 different polishes and 3 different pads. The car is clean, shiny, smooth, but the swirls just will not, no matter what I try come out and they are not deep at all. You cannot feel them, you can't catch a nail of them, you can't even see them unless you look VERY hard at an angle in the light. My wife and friends think I am crazy and that the car looks perfect, but they ARE there and I will never be at peace until I know they are gone. Less than 350 of these cars made, and I told the dealer not to touch it upon arrival :(

Reddwarf is the only one that recognized my questions and responded with "I don't know, but you can try...".
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can you not get the swirls in a photo so we can exactly what you are referring to? and get some bright light or sunlight on it so it will reflect the swirls, may help us see the problem better so better suggestions can come

did you try the same product with increasing the cut of the pad or just different products on different pads. if youve had success before you will have it again. did you contact PB's to see what combo they suggest for your problem?
Finally got a pic of one of the bad areas.

If I zoom out only a couple inches they are no longer visible. The stuff above the light is not scratches, its a reflection of the garage door opener.
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