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Sharply Dressed
07-06-2017, 10:27 PM
Last week after detailing 5 vehicles in 3 days (in the sun), I developed the most excruciating thigh cramp on the third day. Each day when I returned home I would weigh myself before showering and would lose 5-6 lbs. I thought I was properly hydrating as I had water, soda and watermelon. I read through several post about "staying hydrated" but can't seem to find what works best. I talked with a friend who is a nurse and she told me soda was the worst while out in the sun working and that Gatorade and Powerade were best. Any other remedies?

07-06-2017, 10:37 PM
Nothing can replace good ole fashioned water. Hydrating starts well before you become dehydrated. I stopped detailing in the summer down here in Florida. I remember doing a detail a couple summers ago, I drank 12 16oz bottles of water during a 4 hour detail.

07-06-2017, 10:50 PM
Actually there are things that can replace good ole fashioned water (and work noticeably better than Powerade or Gatorade). Checkout Cytomax and Hammer (Heed). These are drink mixes endurance athletes use. And, from personal experience they work.

07-06-2017, 10:53 PM
Custmsprty nailed it. I am sitting here now downing water preparing for tomorrow. I feel ya on the cramps, earlier I was going to stand up, got it both thighs at the same time. I heard that potassium helps with cramps, maybe add some banana's in with the watermelon.

Mad Wax
07-06-2017, 10:54 PM
You'll always sweat out more than you can take in. I work outside almost every day in Arizona, and when I come home I also lose about 5 pounds. I gain it back almost immediately once I'm out of the heat and hydrating indoors. Gatorade diluted with water is my drink of choice to hydrate. I'd stay away from the soda, and anything with caffeine. I don't even drink coffee in the morning. Those cooling sports towels work wonders. Keep it around your neck, and wear a hat. The trick is to keep your head and face cool. Wear sunblock.

07-06-2017, 10:56 PM
@ducksfan- Interesting, is that something you can get at GNC?

07-06-2017, 11:08 PM
@ducksfan- Interesting, is that something you can get at GNC?

I'm not sure. You can get them on Amazon or through their own websites. Google them for the best deal?

Oh, and Mad Wax is right about the cooling towels. I use one made by Mission. It's a tube that you put on kind of like a bandana. You have to snap it like the instructions say. But WOW, it makes a hugh difference.You wouldn't think so looking at it, but it does ( This is on the Gold coast where the humidity is low. I don't know how it would do out east.)

07-06-2017, 11:09 PM
Actually there are things that can replace good ole fashioned water (and work noticeably better than Powerade or Gatorade). Checkout Cytomax and Hammer (Heed). These are drink mixes endurance athletes use. And, from personal experience they work.

Maybe one or two servings a day on something like cytomax, but at 90 calories per serving with 10-12 oz of water if I drink 100 oz of water a day that's like 850-900 extra calories a day and a 120 grams of sugar carbs and maltodextrin, fructose and dextrose are the top three main ingredients. Everything in moderation and that applies big time to sugary drinks and sports drinks and diet type drink products with artificial sweeteners.

07-06-2017, 11:26 PM
Maybe one or two servings a day on something like cytomax, but at 90 calories per serving with 10-12 oz of water if I drink 100 oz of water a day that's like 850-900 extra calories a day and a 120 grams of sugar carbs and maltodextrin, fructose and dextrose are the top three main ingredients. Everything in moderation and that applies big time to sugary drinks and sports drinks and diet type drink products with artificial sweeteners.

They work. And, when you're detailing all day in the heat, the extra calories aren't a problem, they're an asset.

07-07-2017, 06:00 AM
The reason for the cramps is a combo of dehydration and loss of electrolytes. As mentioned water is great to prep for a long day in the heat. However, water will not replace these electrolytes. When I say water I mean pure water not smart water or sports water.

Drinking only water in intense heat and being active is harmful! The creation of Gatoraid was for a legit purpose! Now, walking a mile and drinking a Gatoraid is not needed at all, you actually potentially consume more calories than just burned depending on what kind you drink. In the OPs case prep with water, while in the sun be sure to drink water in conjunction with any electrolyte replenishing drink of your choice.

Not mentioned yet, pedialyte is another great choice. It's kind of gross, but pickle juice is a great way to prevent and treat muscle cramps cause by electrolyte imbalances. If you don't want the sugary drinks, consume electrolyte rich foods such as bananas, pickles, canned soups, tomatoes etc.

For an example: in an hour it's not uncommon to sweat out up to 600mg of potassium, this is critical for heart and cell function. If you sweat for 8 hours and don't replenish, your down up to 4800 mg for the day. Your body needs about 3500mg per day in normal circumstances. Like everything necessary for health, not sure most people are meeting this amount.

Sent from my iPhone using AGOnline

Sharply Dressed
07-07-2017, 06:11 AM
Awesome feedback. I'm going to try them all. Shame on me for not using the cooling towel more often as I have one.

07-07-2017, 07:20 AM

I go through at least 2 gallons of water a day. The wall I work on is getting blasted with the Arizona sun all day and is all metal. My trick is to get a drink after every other song when im listening to music even if I do not feel thirsty. That way I can try to stay ahead of being dehydrated.

Sent from my XT1585 using Autogeekonline mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=87407)

07-07-2017, 07:47 AM
Another option is coconut water. I haven't dug deep on it, but a friend going to school for nursing has explained it has a lot of the re hydrating properties of gatorade without the added sugar. More potassium as well.

Paul A.
07-07-2017, 07:59 AM
I also "pre load" with liquids as cstmsprty suggested. I start filling up with water before I start and then keep it going during the job.

07-07-2017, 08:27 AM
Awesome feedback. I'm going to try them all. Shame on me for not using the cooling towel more often as I have one.

If you don't already have it, you might want to try the tube one too - over your head. In addition to the one around your neck. Or, in place of it. It's good to have options. You can mix or match relative to the situation. Sometimes a hats better, sometimes it's not - it depends.

The same with the drinks. You can adjust the amount in the mix. You probably wouldn't use them near the end of your shift. You can still drink plain water when you feel it's best. It's a tool. it's your job to figure out how to use it best in your unique situation.

I would definitely recommend you have both at your disposal to try out.

Oh, and there are different variations and manufactures. Some use different sweeteners and don't have artificial this and that ( I have Scratch. But, I haven't used it yet.) The two I listed are the big ones in the field ( Or, at least, I think they still are).