Product selection advice


New member
Jul 7, 2017
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If this is the wrong board please let me know which to post on.

I make custom pool cues. I finish coat them with a Sherwin Williams automotive clear coat.
They are then sanded to 1500 or 2000 paper and I have been buffing out with Meguires M105 then M205 then #7 Glaze.
The process is easy but it never develops quite the depth or shine that the fresh paint had.

So Would I am interested in is a mix of products that will give me that shine.
What are your suggestions?
The only change I would make is Ultimate Wax or M21 Sealant in lieu of the #7. The 105/205 combo is a good one and if done right should give outstanding depth and shine.

Also on many curved surfaces, such as the pool cues your dealing with, sanding and polishing is only marginally beneficial, if at all, because any paint texture (orange peel) really doesn't stand out like it would on a flat panel. The texture would need to be really bad before it would become detectable on a pool cue.
Thanks for the suggestion. I was told by meguiars that #7 would have a greater shine than #21. So as i was not satisfied with #7 I was looking for perhaps a different product line.
Is "slipperyness" a consideration? Do any of the products you mentioned leave a "tacky" finish? Does that make a difference on a pool cue?