View Full Version : Contintental DWS tires and protectant issue....

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07-22-2017, 02:09 AM
My wife got a set of Continental DWS tires for her Pontiac G8 back in May. I've been using Mother's Back to Black tire renew to clean them which is an awesome product.

The only thing is that whatever protectant I use just won't stay on there so far. The sidewalls go back to the blackish gray undressed look in a matter of a day or two especially if you wipe the protectant on. I'm not a fan of super shiny or greasy looking tires,but I do like it to look like there is a little something on there.

I had been using Surf City Beyond Black tire shine. I had used it in the past with great results,and then I found it on clearance for next to nothing at W.M. It worked great on her old Falken tires,and the tires on my other vehicles. I know that product is not sold here,but the price I paid for it was too good to pass up.

I have been using aerosol trim sprays to protect the honeycomb grils on our G8. I have used Stoner's Trim Shine with great results,but the last thing I tried was Duragloss 265 Ultimate Detail Spray. It's a nice product,but it is pretty glossy on tires. It has lasted a lot longer than wiping something on there. I used it last night as daylight was running out,and today I found overspray all over the car. I applied some of the Beyond Black in the same manner,and it looks really good too. However,it is hard to keep from spraying the car and your wheels also. That's why I like to use an applicator because it is much easier to keep from making a mess. As I said,that ain't working too good though

I have done a little reading,and this seems to be a Continental tire issue. Anyone else experience this? I wonder if the "new" will wear off the tires and they will accept dressings better,or do I need to use a more aggressive cleaning method? I do have Tuff Shine tire cleaner,and I also have an unused TW tire coating kit.

I also have CarPro Perl and McKee's 37 High Gloss tire gel,but I haven't used them yet. I was trying to use up all of the SC first.

My wife LOVES the tires regardless. We got a good deal on them too. They made a great car even better!

07-22-2017, 02:48 AM
I also have an unused TW tire coating kit.

I also have CarPro Perl and McKee's 37 High Gloss tire gel,but I haven't used them yet. I was trying to use up all of the SC first.

Well it's time to break your plans and try the new stuff on your shelf... 1 of them is bound to work. If none of them do, try Meguiars Endurance Gel. It's what I use on tires that refuse to cooperate. [Michelins]

07-22-2017, 03:31 AM
I've had good success with PERL and McKee's Tire Gel on tires that don't cooperate.

Justin at Final Inspection
07-22-2017, 05:24 AM
Had the same issue with my 19in Continental tires. Meguiars endurance gel or aerosol spray worked well. I liked the spray. Didn't try the Mckees Gloss Tire Gel on them but I do use it frequently with great results.

Bobby B.
07-22-2017, 08:35 AM
Give the tires a really good cleaning with the Tuf Shine Tire Cleaner and apply the CarPro PERL since you already have these two products. This is a great combo!

07-22-2017, 11:10 AM
I have had 2 sets of DWs and one set of DWS currently on my wife's WRX. All Contis have suffered from "blooming" which is a release of rubber chemicals that turn the sidewalls brown. I have always had good luck using any degreaser to scrub the sidewalls, but I mostly use Westley's Bleche White on Contis to clean.

I am currently dressing those tires with either Stoner's More Shine or 4:1 diluted Meguiar's D170 Hyper Dressing with great success.

The tires in the photo haven't been dressed in over a month...

07-22-2017, 11:45 AM
I have a set of 3 year old DWS's and I have good success with Mothers Back to Black. The shine wears off fairly fast (fine by me) but I'm not seeing any blooming.

07-22-2017, 12:22 PM
Scrub them aggressively with Tuf Shine or similar product. Do not apply anything, just drive for a week. Then scrub them aggressively with Tuf Shine. Do not apply anything, just drive for a week. Repeat once or twice more. Finally scrub, dry thoroughly, and apply your favorite non-silicone based tire dressing.

74 thing
07-22-2017, 01:00 PM
[QUOTE=BlackMDX;1511116]Scrub them aggressively with Tuf Shine or similar product. Do not apply anything, just drive for a week. Then scrub them aggressively with Tuf Shine. Do not apply anything, just drive for a week. Repeat once or twice more. Finally scrub, dry thoroughly, and apply your favorite non-silicone based tire dressing.

Follow those directions above!

07-22-2017, 01:47 PM
Try Blackfire Tire and Trim AIO spray. It cleans and protects. I've used it on the same brand tire with success.

07-22-2017, 02:09 PM
Chemical Guys VRP holds up quite well on my Continentals. Last week's there is a thread on here about it somewhere

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07-23-2017, 07:58 AM
I too have a set of the new DWS06 tires and really enjoy them.

I have found with these tires that a very good scrubbing is needed to clean them up. After that I applied two coats of PERL to them with about a 30 minute cure time in between coats. This dressing has held up very well and not simply fade away.

09-16-2017, 01:24 AM
Scrub them aggressively with Tuf Shine or similar product. Do not apply anything, just drive for a week. Then scrub them aggressively with Tuf Shine. Do not apply anything, just drive for a week. Repeat once or twice more. Finally scrub, dry thoroughly, and apply your favorite non-silicone based tire dressing.

Ok, Last week I used the rest of my Tuf Shine tire cleaner. Last night I scrubbed the tires with the tire cleaner in my Turtle Wax Jet Black kit. I left the tires undressed both times. I might even go one more time as you suggested.

To be honest,not much gunk came off the tires. The "suds" were white with no brown stuff coming off or out so maybe I will be good to go. I even bought the Tuf Shine brush.

10-15-2017, 12:16 AM
Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!

I scrubbed one more time with the Turtle Wax tire cleaner,and then hit the tires with a couple coats of McKees 37 Gloss tire gel. The tires still had a pretty nice shine to them after two weeks! Maybe this will be the case from now on. My wife even took her car on a road trip during the two weeks,and we had little bit of rain as well. I added another couple of coats after this washing as well.

I like the Gloss tire gel! It looks amazing when first applied. Using a foam applicator with it is the way to go.

11-25-2017, 01:00 PM
The last time I washed my wife's car I used CarPro Perl for the first time instead of the McKees 37 gloss gel.

I really like Perl! I just grabbed the bottle, and put it on full strength with a department store tire swipe for time's sake as it was getting dark.

I went two coats on each tire also. The label said to do full strength on tires or a 1:1 ratio.

It made the tires really black and GLOSSY. I was worried the tires had too much of a "pimp juice" look,but my wife said it was fine. She hates overly shiny tires also. The look did settle down after a day or two.

People have talked about the poor durability of this product,but you can still tell it's there almost two weeks later. I did gob it to the tires pretty good,but I'm still impressed. Nice product! I will experiment with dilutions more in the future.