Need A little help choosing


New member
Apr 3, 2007
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I've been having some trouble choosing between buying XMT 3 and 1 or Menzerna Nano Polish PO 106 and Menzerna Super Intensive Polish PO 83.

I currently have PB SSR2.5 and PB polish with carnuba wax. I have not really been successful with poorboys. I get a lot of dusting and in the end it looks the same,(useing pc)

I was leaning towards Menzerna but I've read some things about the climate affecting it. Any help would be appreciated I want to get these swirls out, thanks.
Edit- I also use LC pads if that matters
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Menzerna Super Intensive Polish PO 83 is what you want. CCS Orange pad PC6 to remove most defects, then a final pass at 5 to gloss the paint...
Should I follow up with the 106 on a white pad then?
Even with all the respect to Pinnacle, Menzerna would be my could get both though, Pinnacle, and Menzerna...
menzerna are the best polishes in the world 106ff is just amazing.
Thanks for the help guys, I just ordered Menzerna 83 and 106.
Well I got the stuff on monday and I was going to do the whole car yesterday but only did the hood. My lighting situation sucks, so in my garage the car looks perfect, now that its in the sun I can see I should have followed up with the 106(bought it just didnt use it). I'll live with the swirls a little longer until I get some better lighting.
Menzerna by far, I find that xmt dust way to much and is sometimes really hard to remove, also if youdon't want to spend the money, try some Optimum, hardly dust, very long working time even in the sun, I'm thinking of using those two polishes as my main ones for detailing.
Menzerna by far, I find that xmt dust way to much and is sometimes really hard to remove, also if youdon't want to spend the money, try some Optimum, hardly dust, very long working time even in the sun, I'm thinking of using those two polishes as my main ones for detailing.
Well I already bought the Menzerna but while using it I had dusting within 2minutes. What am I doing wrong? Put it on orange(LC pad I think) spread around on speed 3 then turn up to speed 6 using little to no pressure.
Well I already bought the Menzerna but while using it I had dusting within 2minutes. What am I doing wrong? Put it on orange(LC pad I think) spread around on speed 3 then turn up to speed 6 using little to no pressure.

Do not assume that because you used Menzerna and had dusting you are doing something wrong....

Menzerna dusts.. Hot weather can/will cause more dusting

Dusting with Menzerna can/will be reduced when 3 parts Menzerna to 1 part Optimum polish are used
Well I already bought the Menzerna but while using it I had dusting within 2minutes. What am I doing wrong? Put it on orange(LC pad I think) spread around on speed 3 then turn up to speed 6 using little to no pressure.

I find that misting the pad before and during polishing with QD, pad conditioner, or water helps cut the dusting down, plus built up polish in the pad can cause dusting to, I sometimes have to clean the pad a few times during the detail.
You also have to remember that a pc cant produce enough heat to properly break down the polish unless you use a lot of pressure.Yes menzerna does produce a lot of dust but it is really made for a rotary.