Detailing in Michigan Winters


New member
Jun 22, 2007
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Ordered my Christmas present last week, here it is:

Poorboy's World Polish
Poorboy's EX-P Sealant
Poorboy's Natty's Blue
Pinnacle Twins Kit
CSS Foam Pad Kit

These are my vehicles:

1997 Dodge Dakota--Dark Green Metallic--Needs some help!!
1998 Olds Aurora--Majestic Teal Metallic--Slight swirl marks and scratches..
2006 Ford Taurus--Merlot Clearcoat--Slight swirl marks and scratches..

Can't wait to get my toys, but am I going to have any success trying to detail here in Michigan this time of year?? My vehicles are garage kept, but no heat. Is is realistic to think I can have some fun, or should I wait until warmer weather?? Also is there any possibility of doing damage to the paint in colder weather?? Thanks for any advice!!
Ordered my Christmas present last week, here it is:

Poorboy's World Polish
Poorboy's EX-P Sealant
Poorboy's Natty's Blue
Pinnacle Twins Kit
CSS Foam Pad Kit

These are my vehicles:

1997 Dodge Dakota--Dark Green Metallic--Needs some help!!
1998 Olds Aurora--Majestic Teal Metallic--Slight swirl marks and scratches..
2006 Ford Taurus--Merlot Clearcoat--Slight swirl marks and scratches..

Can't wait to get my toys, but am I going to have any success trying to detail here in Michigan this time of year?? My vehicles are garage kept, but no heat. Is is realistic to think I can have some fun, or should I wait until warmer weather?? Also is there any possibility of doing damage to the paint in colder weather?? Thanks for any advice!!

A heater out in the garage is a must in Michigan this time of year.
For the products, Gary or for the comfort? I'm in Ohio

Yep that's what I'd like to know also. Will polishing products breakdown properly and work in colder weather or will they just make a mess?? Will paste wax work and dry so it can be buffed off?? I can work in lower temperatures because I'm used to it, but can the products I would use also work and play well?? Must be lots of posters here that come from the north and can shed some experience..
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Yep that's what I'd like to know also. Will polishing products breakdown properly and work in colder weather or will they just make a mess?? Will paste wax work and dry so it can be buffed off?? I can work in lower temperatures because I'm used to it, but can the products I would use also work and play well?? Must be lots of posters here that come from the north and can shed some experience..
in my experience in the colder weather, is the wax is harder to work with as if you wash the car right before the wax the hood of the car the trunk and top all seem to freeze up with condesation and even if you take a extra dry towel to wipe them it doesnt do nothing but slide off from the thin coat of ice making it impossible to get wax to stick, but if you have a garage with little or no heat it may help to do the waxing inside. hope this helped a little
For the products, Gary or for the comfort? I'm in Ohio

For both products and comfort. I use to live in Michigan. In the winter I would bring my detailing products in the house. I would detail my cars in the winter but I always had a heater in the garage. Propane heaters work good and burn very clean.
I don't do a lot of jobs in the winter and am right across the river from Detroit, but I have a small electric heater in my garage. I would suggest an ONR wash and let the vehicle sit in the heated garage for several hours before using any products on it. After all this bloody snow on Sunday, by the end of the week Chuck Gaidica says we're looking at rain and temps in the 40s...go figure!! I think you'd probably do a better job in hte spring, but that's just my opinion. I know it's hard to hold back the enthusiasm after receiving the products!! Be sure to take lots of pics if you do go ahead!!:Picture:
thanks for the info.

I double that!!

I do have a couple kerosene heaters that put out a pretty decent amount of heat. And I have windows facing the south so if the sun happens to be out the solar heat helps too. My 1998 Aurora is parked for the winter and freshly washed before parking so that could be worked on, but I'm afraid my better half would refuse to let me "experiment" on "her" car with my UDM!!! One way or another I will use my Christmas present this winter!!

And Richy-- that was a pretty sizable storm we had Sunday!! I think I'm ready for spring now!!