More is not always better


New member
Oct 25, 2007
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With the weather in Virginia being nicer than usual and not being at home with my normal supplies, I decided to use Meg's Gold Class shampoo at the car wash. With what seemed to be a little road salt and grime on the car I decided to mix Meg's GC in a spray bottle and foam the car a little before a quick power wash. I thought the Meg's would be gentle but I mixed way too much in the bottle. Probably 2 oz or so with a full quart of water. I sprayed the car down and immediately sprayed the car down followed by a quick bucket wash. Later in full sunlight as I was drying the car off I noticed streaks from where the Meg's stripped my SSII. While most people on here seem to be chemists, I thought I would warn some others that a lot of these soaps are strong and definitely will strip the prixed wax layers we work hard on. Hope some of you were able to enjoy the weather wherever you may be.

The weather here was definitely nice today. Took off my wheels, cleaned them and my wheel wells. Also gave the interior a quick wipe down.