Dry Ice <<<yes / no


New member
Jul 7, 2006
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I have a small door dent just bigger than a quarter and quite shallow, seems to be a good candidate for dry ice but I have never used it. Some advise would help thanks.:confused:
robdawg said:
I have a small door dent just bigger than a quarter and quite shallow, seems to be a good candidate for dry ice but I have never used it. Some advise would help thanks.:confused:
Wow, did a little searching and apparently dry ice helps with dents, how, I'm not sure? Does the extreme coldness pull the metal back.
That is interesting. I found this off of google.com

For a small dent, you can heat it up and put ice on it after it is heated. Sometimes it pops out the dent. (Dry ice works best if you can get it. BE CAREFUL!!! It burns skin.) This doesn't work well on big dents.
I knew if I visited here long enough I would learn something (j/k) , never heard about this one.
Never heard of this either, but it does make sense especially if you heat the surface first. Interesting. It also got me to thinking "where in the heck does one buy dry ice?" "How would you store it so that you did not lose too much to sublimation?"

Well, here are many answers including ehre you can buy the stuff near you...

Hold a little Dry Ice on a small car dent
and it will reduce the dent without
chipping or cracking the paint.